14 Slavic amulets for men

Slavic amulets are of great importance for men – they protect from the evil eye, help ward off trouble, fill with vital energy and strengthen health. In the old days, they were attached to bracelets or belts, were often embroidered on clothes, in the modern world they are often worn in the form of rings or pendants.

Any material can be used to make protective amulets, but wood, gold or silver are the most popular.

When choosing male Slavic protective amulets, it is important to pay attention not to its beauty, but first of all to study the magical properties of each of them and determine for what purposes a man needs a talisman.

amulet svarozich


The symbol of the fire god Svarog combines the power of all other Slavic deities – such a talisman surrounds the owner with powerful protection, helps to discover new talents and improve family relations. Recommended for men who spend a lot of energy and energy at work every day.

However, wearing such a talisman is allowed only for the stronger sex with good thoughts that do not have selfish goals, otherwise he will turn all his power against the owner.


The effectiveness of this powerful amulet:

  • helps in the fight against serious diseases;
  • protects from evil spirits;
  • adds confidence and determination;
  • improves health, normalizes the nervous system.

Dukhobor helps a man find his life purpose, make the right decision in a controversial situation and protects him from irreparable mistakes.


An old Slavic amulet that gives a man confidence in himself and his own strengths, as well as strengthens the relationship between fathers and children. Given to the boy, Rodimich will protect him from dangers, make him more balanced.


This male Slavic family amulet makes it possible to:

  • keep the harmony in the family;
  • protect from senseless scandals and disputes;
  • establish relationships with distant relatives.

Vseslavets helps men to find an approach to ill-wishers, relieves of bad thoughts and gives positive emotions.

The traveler

The image of the amulet unites a cross of three rays, symbolizing crossing roads, and a swastika, which attracts the strong energy of the sun.

This is a talisman for men who spend a lot of time on the road – it helps to maintain a clear mind and not to turn off the right path, and also protects against any danger that lies in wait during travel.

The traveler gives clarity of mind and allows a man to make the right decision in a short period of time.

Sword in the star of Inglia

The Inglia amulet consists of three woven triangles, symbolizing the basis of the world, which are enclosed in a circle that does not allow energy to dissipate. The sword inscribed in the center of the resulting star helps guys to gain strength of spirit and become wiser, more purposeful and more persistent.

Veles' seal

The symbol is suitable for fishermen, hunters and men whose work is related to the protection of nature. It is depicted as a wolf's paw or bear's paw, and provides:

  • protection to its owner during long journeys;
  • good luck in all endeavors;
  • disclosure of new talents that will help you gain spiritual and financial wealth.

Veles' seal also helps not to lose heart during difficult life periods. However, it is worth remembering that this amulet should not be worn by men who are dependent on alcohol, cigarettes or drugs – the effect of the amulet is not compatible with bad habits.


The symbol of the god Kolyada, giving wisdom to the stronger sex. He helps:

  • correctly distribute your strength so that there is enough time for work and family;
  • find a sweetheart and build a strong marriage;
  • strengthen weak character traits, get rid of outbursts of anger and groundless aggression.

Kolyadnik is best suited for lawyers, politicians and diplomats.


Alatyr is depicted as an eight-pointed star and symbolizes the unity of the masculine and feminine principles or the four cardinal points.

The talisman has the following effect on a man's life:

  • protects against diseases;
  • helps improve family relationships;
  • makes a person more patient and calmer;
  • attracts well-being to the house.


The amulet combines honor, justice, wisdom and nobility. Its effect on a man:

  • protects him and his family from accidents;
  • enhances feelings for loved ones;
  • fills with positive emotions and good thoughts.

The amulet depicts a militant girl on a horse, who takes the fallen soldiers from the battlefield.


A strong amulet for the military and people who are often on business trips. It protects its owner in battle, gives strength and courage, and also protects from the evil eye or damage.

Ax of Perun

This amulet symbolizes strength and courage, has a protective effect not only on the owner, but also on his entire family. In insecure guys, he is able to develop purposefulness and courage, to increase endurance.

Perun's Shield

This amulet purifies the thoughts of the male owner and protects him from the evil influence of ill-wishers. It is not recommended for the fairer sex to wear Perun's shield – it can change the fate of a woman in a negative direction.


This amulet helps:

  • find a way out of difficult situations;
  • find mutual love or resume old relationships;
  • return creative inspiration and find a path to self-improvement.

Znich compensates for the lack of energy, helps to focus on work and strengthens the strength of the man's spirit.

Expert Opinion Yuna Khatun The Divine Fortuneteller The amulets made by the mother, sister or wife have the maximum power. The presented talisman on the boy's birthday will protect him throughout his life.

In order for the chosen amulet to have a positive impact, it is important to sincerely believe in its power and acquire it with good thoughts. Otherwise, the amulet will become an ordinary decoration or even have a negative impact on your life.

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