19 strange inventions that appeared at dawn “era of consumption”

In this article we have compiled the most absurd and ingenious retro inventions that were never destined to find their consumer 19 strange inventions that appeared at the dawnPhotos from open sources

Ice cube mask for treating a hangover (1947)

J0cMK0ZA photo from open sources

Baby stroller with chemical protection attacks (1938)

zvJqpqfA photo from open sources

One Wheel Motorcycle (1931)

fQSnXnjA photo from open sources

Cone-shaped masks for protection against snowstorms (1939)

o1St73VA photo from open sources

Family bike and sewing machine (1939)

65XmWyFA photo from open sources

All Terrain Vehicle (1931)

oOQqIGpA photo from open sources

Smoking tool in the rain (1931)

NZ2YBomA photo from open sources

Amphibian bike that you can ride on land and water (1932)

QwCMPnqA photo from open sources

Hat with Built-in Radio (1931)

qKvFVZEA photo from open sources

Reading Glasses (1936)

rBYKeO8A photo from open sources

Life Vests from Bicycle Tires (1925)

7NkeiygA photo from open sources

Piano where you can play lying in bed (1935)

ZcBQBt7A photo from open sources

The Forerunner of a Home Hair Dryer (1959)

q6pof3ZA photo from open sources

A revolver that takes a picture before shooting (1938)

iGP9TPjA photo from open sources

“Safety net” that prevents pedestrians get under the wheels (1924)

4C8Y1zEA photo from open sources

Smoking device for two cigarettes at the same time (1932)

rm7wJZnA photo from open sources

Mobile and folding bridge (1926)

VUCKUK7A photo from open sources

Expanding delivery van (1934)

scwpVBAA photo from open sources

The device with which children were taught to walk (1939)

Ayo7gQBA photo from open sources

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