A photo from open sources 1. It has long been proven that a woman’s brain is 10% less male. However, this does not affect the level of intelligence. 2. But the male brain decreases with age faster than the female. 3. For solving the same task of man and woman involve different parts of the brain. 4. If a man got lost, it will remember the direction of movement and the distance traveled distance, and the woman is landmarks. Also driving: a man remembers the road by numerical values of distances, and a woman often remembers all sorts of signs and shop windows. 5. Woman more often remembers everything in detail, a man with a sufficiently concise thought. 6. Men perceive information faster, and therefore faster react. But … 7. Women are more likely to perceive several information flows, and men get annoyed when they have to do something at the same time. 8. Men are stronger in the exact sciences, and women are better given humanitarian aid. 9. Yes, everyone was waiting for this topic, so here you are: men think about sex every minute, and women remember him every couple of days. Manic and other extremes not counted. 10. Women are more talkative. Such sociability is connected with the pleasure center work in the brain. A conversation is akin to an orgasm. eleven. Men and women react differently to abrupt and annoying sounds. 12. To establish confidence in a woman strong enough hugs seconds at 20. 13. Women use almost three times more words during the day than men. 14. Female brain with functioning heats up more, because “burned” more glucose. 15. Men and women have different perceptions of humor. Men more excited about the fun ending, and women enjoy subtleties of humor in general, the language of presentation, and from the denouement get even more fun than men. 16. Women are better developed organizational skills. 17. Male hearing is weaker than female. Therefore, women hear the most subtle intonations, and men – not always. And in terms of tactile sensations, men lose to women. Vision while men are quite erotic, while women are better remember any details of the picture. 18. Men perceive speech with using logic, therefore, “they hear exactly what is being said,” while women connect intuition and emotions, so they “everywhere have some hints seem. “19. Women by nature are more sociable, men – aggressively competitive. Therefore, men often fight. For the same cause women get annoyed by the fact that men cannot maintain a long conversation with them, but the thing is, that male speech is generally less developed. 20. If on the road lies the ball, then the man kicks him, and the woman, rather just pick and hold to your chest. Thus, various natural manifestations the appointment of men and women.