Soon we will have the opportunity to find out what they taste like. real fruits printed on a 3D printer. It has become possible thanks to the British company Dovetailed, which developed technology of three-dimensional printing fruits – they managed to do this a trick using the long-known spherification technology.
A photo from open sources
Spherification is a molecular gastronomy technique, thanks to which liquid substances can be turned into small balls. This the process was opened by Unilever in the 50s, however in in modern cuisine, he found application only in the last decade. During it, the liquid or fruit puree is mixed with very a small amount of sodium alginate and then quickly placed in bowl with soluble calcium salt. At this point, the liquid forms tiny balls in which a thin skin holds liquid inside stuffing.
And what a 3D printer does is combine these tiny balls with different tastes and aromas to create unique “fruit” that can have absolutely any taste as desired user.
Dovetailed states that the printing process takes only a few seconds, and with it you can print apples, pears – and any other fruits. More details about this new technology. The company promises to reveal in the near future.
A photo from open sources