540 centenarians live in Tuymazinsky district over 90 years old

A photo from open sources

On average, Russians (and residents of other countries, to be honest) live for 70 years. Older seniors unfortunately meet less and less. However, residents of Tuymazinsky district, apparently, The elixir of youth recipe has long been known. Every tenth here older than 70 years, and for 130 thousand of the population – as many as 540 centenarians. it those who crossed the 90-year milestone (and those who are more than 100, here 11 people). In terms of a thousand inhabitants, there are 4.6 of them – in four times more than, for example, in Ufa or Moscow. Anomaly!

“I DO NOT FUN FOR MEDICINES” A resident of the village of Kandry Kafiya Sakayeva recently celebrated her 101st birthday. But call her the “age-old” grandmother does not turn her tongue. Kafia looks much younger than her age, and she feels, in her own words, at all 18: lively, funny, loves to meet guests, she covers herself on table. Grandmother lives in an old rickety house with a granddaughter and two great-granddaughters who care for her. True how relatives assure that the grandmother does not cause any trouble, on the contrary, she is the main assistant. Villagers say that in their Kafia was the only female combine operator in the entire county. A I always sang songs at work. – I never drank medicine, – A pensioner is recognized. – Because it never hurt. At all. Tea I drink a lot, I love him very much. I drink with honey, with different herbs useful – matryoshka, St. John’s wort. “Now how are you feeling?” One hundred years is still not a joke. – Very well! I have more strength many.

EXPLORE WATER AND AIR Since our grandmother loves tea so much, drinks a lot of water, maybe the secret of longevity lies precisely in local H2O? We took water samples from the house of Kafia Sakaeva and sent them to research. Water was checked by several parameters. Determined stiffness, saturation with minerals. Local the researchers confirmed that the features of the local water, really there is. She’s a little tougher than she should be ideally and there are more minerals in it. – Previously, the water was even harder, – says the head of the laboratory LLC Tuymazy Vodokanal Rumiya Galimova. – But after they opened a new well, she improved at times, approached the requirements of Sanpin. Water with us artesian, does not undergo any purification, there are no reagents there add. And so it is completely ordinary. It turns out healing this water hardly call it. Yes, and air, too. In an area of ​​more than 160 enterprises, and they smoke – bless you! – Of course, compared to Ufa or Sterlitamak in Tuymazy there is no large industry, – says a representative of the Ministry of Nature Management and Ecology of Belarus Nina Nikandrova. – But nevertheless, any enterprise one way or another pollutes the air. Therefore, to say that he is crystal clear clean, you can’t. Or maybe the zone is abnormal? – I feel the time is here flowing more slowly. It slows down its run, stretching out its arms in front of itself and closing his eyes, says psychic Mikhail Safin. – This is exactly what affects the human body. Self-aging is slower than in other places … “Time flows more slowly” – No, I’ll go more compelling reasons to look.

FOR TEN GIRLS BY STATISTICS THREE GUYS It turned out that not only Kafia Sakaeva likes to sing here. Looks like it’s all over passion for all senior citizens. Maybe this is the secret? In tuymazinsky club “Living History” a lot of centenarians. But it seems like a secret only women have longevity. There are noticeably more of them. Yes even in the whole district ten “girls” older than seventy there are only three “guys”. – I say: there are no men at home, and not here! – sighs club chairman Valentina Dergacheva. Among centenarians – the competition is fierce. The main thing here is not to fall out of clips: you just need to get sick, men’s attention is already different mastered. So you have to keep abreast, and in literally. – If you lie down, you will lie – in general there are no forces will be, – “club young ladies” share. – It’s better to move. Here sometimes you know, you’ll make up your lips, your head is spinning, and you are walking, and people are watching and they think: “What a young, beautiful, lively grandmother is coming!”

LOVE TOM GUINEA On the day we were in Tuymazy, in club “Living History” came only three men, but what – Fire! One of them is the veteran of World War II Kasim Davletshin – stubbornly does not name his real age – 44 years and everyone is here. But then, however, he quietly adds: “Twice.” Instead talk of old age, leaving a cane against the wall, fun starts: “Oh, walked, walked! Kassim is young, young! white shirt, pretty one! “Artist, in a word. By the way, in the club of veterans, he met his love. When got married, the bridegroom was 78 years old, and the young one was only 70. – The club is very many girls, all beautiful are such, good, – the grandfather tells Qasim. – And suddenly I saw Sania Akhmetovna. We talked with her, discussed everything, and she agreed. We got such a wedding here! Met, surrounded, everything went beautifully. We still live in love and consent.

OPINION OF SPECIALISTS “The secret of a long and happy life is in the man himself “Larisa Kurapova, head of the Republican Geriatric Center: – But why guess here? The secret is long and happy life lies in the person himself. State of mind friendly attitude to others – all this can influence on human health. Well, what concentrated in Tuymazy a large number of centenarians, I think this was influenced by several factors: this is a good heredity of Tuymazins, so to speak, the longevity gene, about which in recent years scientists have been talking more and more; the impact of physical and intellectual stress (many centenarians attend a university of third age. – Ed.). Ecology in rural areas, of course, are better than in megacities. Important role medical care also plays – apparently, here it is on level. “So many pensioners in Russia have not yet been” Rifkhat Galin, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department BAGSU Social and Economic Research: – Now retired becoming the sixties generation. With so many seniors Russia faces the first time. Speaking in a modern way, these are the consequences of the baby boom that occurred in the postwar years. TO For example, in 1926 in Russia, the proportion of people over 60 years old accounted for only 5.9% of the population. Today there are more than 18%, and by 2030 there will be even more – almost 28%. And once the percentage of the elderly the population increases, the percentage decreases accordingly able-bodied population. However, among retirees there are many who able to work, therefore, authorities are increasingly raising the topic raising the retirement age.

Water Time Life Russia

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