A photo from open sources
January 13, 2015 in the maternity hospital of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital №15 Muscovite Galina Shubenina gave birth to a girl Cleopatra. An extraordinary event since the “young” woman in childbirth is clearly not a name: a woman recently 62 years old. Usual-unusual birth Galina Shubenina went on it consciously. 10 years ago, she was tragically killed the only son and then she first thought about the birth of the second a child. The decision was made with her husband, and still for both Galina’s pregnancy news was unexpected. Pregnancy proceeded normally, without complications, on the preservation of Shubenin not lay down. The girl was born healthy, weighing 2.83 kg and a height of 49 cm. Doctors do not foresee either the mother or the newborn any pathologies. Quite the usual birth. Now a little about nuances.
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources Childbirth Nuances for any woman and in any age is always associated with extreme loads on her the body. With age, the risks of complications during pregnancy and childbirth are increasing. Galina’s decision to give birth at 60 was not only brave, but also responsible. Despite the external fragility, health Galina can be envied by many 30-year-old ladies. She is engaged sports, goes skiing, stands on skates. Her passion is ballroom sports and rock and roll dances – a lesson also requiring certain physical stamina. So she went to childbirth in excellent physical condition. Having become pregnant, Galina was watching herself, eat right, picked up a set of physical exercises. Nevertheless, the doctors were reinsured and insisted on a cesarean section. So, to give birth to a healthy child in adulthood, one courage is not enough. Intrigue. The question of how was a 60-year-old woman able to get pregnant? If a 52 year old husband Galina is quite suitable for the role of a biological father, then in relation to doctors have no doubts: the natural conception in such age is impossible. If you exclude a miracle, then there are only 2 ways: 1) freeze your eggs in their youth and fertilize them subsequently with the husband’s sperm and 2) take the egg from the donor. But in any case it will be “in vitro fertilization.” How to solve the problem spouses – remained a secret. Even the doctors who took childbirth. To the question of journalists, Galina replied that “they managed their forces, “so that the intrigue persists. What gives us the example of Galina Shubenina? Of course, giving birth at 62 is an extraordinary case. (at least for now). However, as practice shows, current mothers are not only getting younger, but also growing up. According to obstetrician-gynecologist Meskhi 30-35 year old women are no longer uncommon. Many women make careers postponing the birth of a child for later. Were in his practice and 45-year-old women in labor, and 50-year-olds. But often the absence of children in women are not the result of her decision, but her misfortune. At someone just did not add up to personal life for a long time. Prevented someone give birth to a disease or circumstances. Pushing the boundaries of reproductive age, doctors give these women the right to full family happiness. Oldest Moms Earlier Russia’s most mature woman in labor was Natalya Surkova, who gave birth in 1996 year of the third child at 57 years old. In Ukraine in 2011, Valentina The bride gave birth at 65 years old. Adriana Iliescu, teacher Romanian literature from Bucharest, gave birth at 67 to her first child. In 2006, 66-year-old Spaniard Maria del Carmen Busada gave birth to a year twins. A 64-year-old Bhateri Devi from India in 2010 gave to my husband three at once! At 69 years old gave birth to the first-born (!) Indian woman Rayo Devi Lohan. Omkari is considered the oldest mother in the world today. Panwar, all from the same India, giving birth to twins at 70: a girl and a boy. So for 40 year old women is still to come.
Time India Russia