The word “startup” has recently been increasingly associated with Internet and network-created projects. In contrast to the general trends in the St. Petersburg business incubator Ingria gathered hardware startups from all over the country – from Kazan “Speakphone”, proposing to use intercoms for operational communication with by the population, before the Khanty-Mansiysk technology developer on conversion of associated petroleum gas to methane. Total was 78 applications were submitted for participation in the Ingria investment session, but Only 19 startups got the right to show their developments. Before you are the most curious of the submitted projects. Photo from open sources Three-wheeled electric car e-Trike Astrakhan manufacturer of golf cars Bravo Motors, deciding to go on public roads, first introduced his project of a single three-wheeled electric vehicle-transformer. is he Must combine the simplicity of Segway (joystick control, ability to park almost anywhere) with the comfort of a car. The idea is not unique – as the head of the company Konstantin admitted Artemyev, he has counted 16 competitors in the world. However, in his According to Bravo Motors, there are advantages: for example, the ability of the model to “transform” (partially fold for Drive through non-automotive areas where space can be very limited), as well as full protection of the driver from the weather. As Artemyev said, the name e-Trike ”(meaning everything three-wheeled electric vehicles) is used temporarily. Having invested $ 150,000 own funds, the company reached the alpha version: demonstrated video on which the device successfully moves, aroused applause in the hall. True to create the final product needs a few more million dollars – they should make an electric car with a retail price of $ 12 000 (and subsequent decrease to $ 8000), certified by analogies with ATVs and capable of driving 70-140 kilometers on one charge. XTurion Robot Watchman
A photo from open sources
A small caterpillar robot equipped with a camera and various sensors (smoke detector, leakage, gas analyzer), to cope with the problem of fake calls to a stationary alarm: when a call arrives, the owner of the robot will be able to connect to it over the Internet and check if there is a real problem. Besides Moreover, xTurion is a sleep-free night watchman, capable of regularly go around a large room. Robots allowing remotely control them and transmitting images from your camera, now more and more often used for other purposes (from television to entertainment) – Director of Iksturion LLC Sergey Kolyubin said that the functionality of xTurion later also collected expand, making it the intellectual center of the “smart home”. Now there is a “pre-prototype”, assembled on the basis of the platform Lynxmotion Johnny 5 with the addition of its components – for now the creators of the robot are testing software on it, and by July they plan to switch to your own platform. It is assumed that the finished product will be retail $ 500, run on a single charge for an hour or two and move at a speed of 10-12 km / h. Its creation will cost, by projected at $ 300,000. Speereo2
A photo from open sources
Speereo has been engaged in speech recognition for 15 years, and Now I decided to put my software in my own device. She introduced the “universal voice remote”: convenient a device in your hand with a minimum of buttons that allows you to control any home appliances with infrared voice commands. This the remote control runs counter to several modern trends. First, control of equipment and voice commands are increasingly considered the prerogative of smartphones. Secondly, voice assistants like Siri allow you to formulate a request in a variety of ways, and the Speereo remote requires you to specify the exact list of commands in advance (if I want variability, you can specify several in one action). At companies, however, have their own answers to this: recognition accuracy and understanding Siri’s requests is not enough for the control panel, and I don’t want to constantly drag a smartphone around the apartment. Speereo has and your trump card in the sleeve: recognition occurs directly in device, not the server, so everything will work without internet connection. The estimated retail price of the device is 6000 rubles. Kilometer-long Thermometer
A photo open source fiber optic temperature sensors so impressed by the experts that the director of SibSensor Ivan Shelemba returned to Novosibirsk with a diploma for I place. Such sensors are good. to control the temperature of extended objects – for example, pipelines: if traditional can only be installed pointwise, then fiber extends along its entire length. The company did not invent itself measurement principle, does not make components on its own sensors and even sell them is not going to herself, but through partners (they may be security companies). But, according to Shelemba, it allows the customer to get a solution “under key ”, relying on someone else’s experience in fiber optics:“ We we know what such a device should be. ” Thanks to the first sales the company has already broken even. Robot Designer TRIC
A photo from open sources
A constructor that allows you to create and program robots, conceived as a middle ground between the two approaches. With Lego Mindstorms can easily figure out a schoolboy, but his abilities limited (say, about a robot with stereo vision there is only dream). Arduino and Raspberry Pi-based products give more freedom, but also require a lot (for example, to deal with compatibility of different parts), therefore, remain the destiny enthusiasts. Teachers and students of the Mathematical and Mechanical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University decided to combine the advantages of these options, making TRIC rich in capabilities and at the same time easy to learn. The creators of the new designer do the main sight on educational market, actively communicating with schools and considering them wishes, but after that they want to take on the consumer. Now TRIC is developing models based on popular designers, animating them with their controller. Exit to breakeven is planned two years after receipt investment. Device for diagnosing a car outside car service eZWay
A photo from open sources
EZWay products – development of an adapter theme for diagnostic car port, which allows you to receive its data in “raw form ”. eZWay creates an Android app and an online service that they will tell you when it’s time to change the oil in the car, how it is affairs with gas mileage and what kind of malfunction he reports. A similar startup Automatic recently appeared in the USA, but as a team eZWay said she has something to oppose the competitor. Firstly, unlike Automatic with a special adapter for $ 69.95, its service connects to any third-party adapter with Bluetooth support (they’re cheaper). Secondly, Automatic in this the moment is limited by the American market, and the timing of expansion is unclear. Thirdly, eZWay has a social component: the service will allow car owners communicate and share experiences. Team invested in startup € 40,000 of own funds. Device for the blind Orientense Photos from open sources
The device is mounted on the chest of a blind or visually impaired person, analyzes the world around him and with the help of a speech synthesizer informs him of the obstacles in the way and how to get around them. how CEO Vitaliy Kitaev claims that Oriense is involved in two devices at once – a stereo camera for orientation to the light and infrared sensor for orientation in the dark. Oriense purchase sensors mass-produced by PrimeSense, the software writes by yourself. The software will be actively developed, to expand functionality with a simple software update devices: Oriense plan to teach him color recognition traffic light, license plate on a car. Another idea – allow user to show proxy over the internet video stream from the device’s camera (such a “video call to a friend” will be useful if the technique was not able to help overcome obstacles). The company is also developing its own stereo camera. Manufacture an experimental batch of devices will cost $ 250,000.
Robots Smartphones