8-year-old girl with a baby’s body is fraught with secret of eternal youth

At eight, Gabby Williams weighs just five kilograms, her facial features and skin condition – exactly like newborn.

Mother still feeds her, changes diapers and cradles her, as in the first days of life. This baby has amazing a rare property – it practically does not change with age.

The last two years, Gabby carefully examined Dr. Richard Walker who is trying to find a way to turn off processes aging. In addition to her, he observed two more similar cases – A 29 year old man from Florida who is “stuck” in a 10 year old aged and 31 year old Brazilian who is able to 2 year old child.

An 8-year-old girl with a baby's body holds the secret of eternal youthA photo from open sources

“Some people stop at a certain point biological development, said the researcher. – Changes in the body slows down so much that they become practically imperceptible. All my professional activity is devoted to studying aging processes. What interests me is not the consequences, but the reasons for them the callers. ”

A photo from open sources

People watched by Walker not only matured at least in five times slower than the rest, they suffered from a number of such medical problems like deafness, inability to walk, eat or even talk on your own.

“Gabrielle hasn’t changed much in eight years,” she says. mother, 38-year-old Mary Williams. – True, she stretched out a little and we changed clothes for children 0-3 months, for clothes for 3-6 months.

The last time we weighed her, she almost fell short up to five kilograms, and over the past year we cut her a couple of times hairs. ”

A photo from open sources

The parents take turns taking care of the baby, both of them work – part-time mother in a dermatological clinic, father is an officer in correctional facility.

Walker explains that physiological changes or how he them calls “development inertia” is necessary for a person to normal existence. “Without this process, we cannot develop. In the development process, all parts of our body work in coordination as a whole. If this does not happen, chaos sets in. ”

However, Walker continues, unfortunately we cannot turn off the inertia of development when we reach, say, 20 years. We continue change – but now it’s getting old. First signs of aging appear after thirty, and by forty become more noticeable.

One of the girls that Walker examined revealed damage to one of the genes associated with inertia of development that may prove to be a crucial discovery.

A photo from open sources

“If we could find a way to identify this gene and turn it off him in his youth, we could muffle the inertia of development and, in entities would achieve a state of “biological immortality.”

This does not mean that people will stop dying. From diseases and accidents such a state will not save.

However, “biological immortality” will make it possible to avoid senile weakness. A person can stay physically until the end capable of serving yourself. That is why research Gabby Williams’ genetic code is so important.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

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