88 percent of the world’s cities do not have air complies with WHO standards

Air in 88 percent of cities on the planet does not meet WHO standards.A photo open source World Health Organization introduced its report on the state of urban air quality, from which it can be seen that in 88% of large and small cities the concentration of harmful Suspensions far exceed safe health indicators. For statistics were compiled using information from 1,600 cities, located in 91 states. Only 12% of cities have a population so far can breathe deeply without fear of provoking the appearance of a respiratory disease, in some cases dangerous for life.

Of the named number of cities, about 50% have persistent problems with air purity. Here the pollution level exceeds the permissible values ​​are 2.5 times. As a rule, in such cities the main the source of energy is coal burned, so in the sky smog is constantly dominant and the horizon line is never visible.

The second reason for the bad air was the dominance of private cars, which are preferred by public transport. Therefore in the struggle for clean city air and for your own health you need to start from yourself, and also join the global movement and participate in various environmental quality improvement programs urban space.


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