A change in Earth’s magnetic poles could mean the end of a familiar lifestyle

The opinion that the magnetic poles of the earth will one day change in places, not new. Some prophets used it in their apocalyptic predictions, claiming that it will destroy the planet or flip it “on its side”, destroying everything living on it. Photos from open sources It is well known that polarity Earth’s magnetic field has changed over time. Geologists noted these changes by exploring the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. When magma reaches the top of the mid-Atlantic ridge and cools sea ​​water, crystals in the frozen magma are oriented by magnetic field of land. Thus, the tracks of frozen magma become a kind of geological diary, where it is noted as magnetic the field has changed over the course of earthly history. This phenomenon indicates frequent polarity changes in the past, with a period from fifty to one hundred million years. The last five million years of magnetic inversion fields are characterized by long periods of stability, lasting from 450 to 590 thousand years with short-term inversions between them. The last pole change occurred 780 thousand years ago, so, according to the estimates of some experts, the next inversion is just around the corner. The magnetic field of the earth is generated due to currents flowing in the liquid metal core that surrounds the core of the planet from hard iron. The rotation of the planet sets in motion the liquid core, moving spiral from the poles to the equator, and as is the case with copper wire surrounding the iron core electric currents generate a magnetic field. Inversion presumably occurs when large sections of the outer core change places. If the area of ​​alternating sections is large enough, occurs polarity reversal. However, this does not happen instantly. This a process can take thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Just that what can happen during polarity reversal and causes anxiety. When, in the end, the inversion will occur, we there will be an idea of ​​its consequences for the planet and for her population. The predictions of pessimistic predictors are based on the fact that during polarity reversal, the core of the solid metal earth will change 180 degrees, this process, in turn, will lead to a change in the position of our planet in space by 90 degrees. The result will be a change in longitude and latitude, as well as the destruction of humanity in the process. This is absolutely untrue. Only The size of the core can affect the magnetic field. A growing core will make the field more powerful, while a shrinking core will weaken the magnetic field of the planet. The orientation of the core itself does not matter. Even if this statement were true, then the spread changes from a solid core to a liquid, and then to the mantle would take millions of years before we would feel the changes on the surface. What the pole inversion really can do is weaken planet’s magnetic field for a thousand years or more, while conflicting magnetic fields in the liquid core will orient in a new direction. A weakened magnetic field would subject us to more intense exposure to solar radiation, and charged particles could punch large, albeit temporary, holes in the ozone layer. That would greatly influenced the work of all kinds of equipment. Even now solar storms and coronary emissions can cause disruptions in the work of computers, communication systems and electrical networks. Weakened a magnetic field would enhance this effect. We would surely lose all orbiting satellites, including GPS and communications systems, lines power lines would regularly fail or be completely inoperative. In addition, magnetic poles could would become somewhat, which would make the compass orientation more than embarrassing. Certainly, such geomagnetic processes do not would destroy humanity, but with the usual way of life for people would have to say goodbye. There are some indications that the magnetic field came into motion in the last century, moreover his power drops. “Magnetic north over the past century moved more than one and a half thousand kilometers “- said Professor of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oxford Conall McNiocile. “For the past one hundred and fifty years, the magnetic field Earth lost 10 percent power, which may indicate polarity reversal that has begun. “There is another assumption: changes in power and in position fit into normal values ​​observed over the last million years. Also, if something happened in the past, it’s not necessary that this will happen again in the future. On the other hand, there is a large area near South Africa and the South Atlantic, referred to as the South Atlantic Anomaly. It was opened in the nineties of the last century and represents weak spot in the magnetic field of the planet. His existence may indicate the processes in the liquid core of the Earth associated with a change polarity. However, this site exists in a single specimen, so it’s difficult to judge if this phenomenon or sign is more common upcoming changes. European Space Agency next month launches new Swarm program. Two satellites above the poles Earth will analyze the changes in the magnetic field, and one more, located in a more distant orbit will collect data on exposure to the field of solar radiation. These studies will help better understand geomagnetic processes and more accurately estimate the scale changes.

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