A photo from open sources
One of the Swedish companies implanted office workers electronic chips under the skin. These wireless tiny devices will replace plastic ID cards. Being implanted in human hand, the RFID chip will allow you to open locks on the doors and include office equipment.
A chip having the size of a rice seed is allowed to be implanted three hundred Swedish high-tech office staff Epicenter The one who managed to acquire a similar RFID tag, says that implantation resembles a normal subcutaneous injection, and It is performed by professional tattooists.
The organizer of this event was a group of “biohackers” BioNyfiken – in the hope that someday such chips will be made commonplace. They will provide access to the official place, storage of working contacts, with the help of them people will pay in the dining room and so on.
Epicenter executives hope that with time all seven hundred Office employees will have a corporate chip. First you need find out how this technology works before similar implantation will become mandatory and widespread.