Photo from open sources
A colossal iceberg the size of Antarctica the other day a city or even a dwarf country. Scientists estimate the area a breakaway block of ice not less than two hundred and five square kilometers.
This is about the same as the area of the city of Astrakhan or Yaroslavl, and almost a quarter more than the territory West European Little Liechtenstein State.
The incident at the South Pole was the first to be reported. South Korean Ministry of Maritime. According to him representatives, the split occurred in the southeast of Antarctica, and it was in the area of the Nansen glacier, and was recorded by employees scientific station Chan Bogo. The thickness of the ice, as claimed specialists varying in different places from hundreds to nine hundred meters. Under the influence of high temperature the iceberg is already splits into two parts.
The iceberg that broke away from Antarctica was two years under the observation
Scientists from South Korea watched the just cracked this block since January 2014. At that time, experts for the first time fixed a thirty-kilometer crack, which began to separate future iceberg and Nansen glacier. From this fault continuously flowed melt water. For the next two years, the glacier is slowly but steadily melted until finally a piece of enormous size broke away from it. The Koreans managed to install a navigator on the iceberg to continuously monitor the movement of the ice through the satellite “Ariran-5”.
A photo from open sources
Where does the breakaway iceberg move from Antarctica
It is assumed that there will be no drifting ice block pose a danger to ships. Today, all vessels are equipped global positioning systems, so bypass the iceberg it will be easy. In the near future, the ice floe will move north – into warmer waters and completely melted.
Despite the fact that a huge lump should not cause anyone harm, the world scientific community is already sounding the alarm. Scientists from all Earth’s ends express concern about the rapid melting of ice. When the described ice floes disappear, hundreds of thousands of tons are formed water, which must certainly affect the level of the oceans. AND what’s in perspective? After all, if all Antarctic ice melts, then water in the ocean will rise about seventy meters, which will lead to the flooding of many parts of the land of our planet.
According to some experts, the disaster that is global warming has never been felt as much as Today. And therefore, if you do not take any measures on her prevention, life on the planet may be on the verge of the Apocalypse in the very near future …
Icebergs Antarctica Water