Photo from open sources
As you know, animals in trouble often go for help to the person. Here, in this case, a severe drought, which observed now in India, makes you suffer, otherwise it turns out on the verge of life and death, not only of man himself, but also of others representatives of the world around him.
This was confirmed by the royal cobra, which crawled into one of the indian villages. And people immediately realized that with something is wrong with the snake, she herself asks for contact with a person and behaves very friendly.
Ultimately, the villagers saw that the cobra was just very dehydrated, can not find a source of moisture and therefore went on last step – turned for help to those whom she considers the most dangerous and cruel enemies for themselves – people.
The Indians got the cobra drunk (watch the video) and then even sent her to the nearest veterinary station because the snake due to loss moisture and exhaustion weighed at its relatively huge “growth” in total five kilograms.
A video of how the Indians sing and then save the king cobra, caused real delight among Internet users that proves that kindness is inherent in almost all people. However there were those who suggested that the poisonous snake crawled to people only because she knew: they would quickly deal with her and most stop her torment.
However, such an assumption is too fantastic: firstly, any animals in nature do not really think about relief their departure from life, secondly, in nature they tend to die very quickly from their enemies, which the cobra has, if they are no longer protected or cannot do it. And thirdly, do not need from all people probably make cruel and heartless killers: man he fights with venomous snakes most often, only protecting his life. AND he, as this video proves, is always ready to help defenseless animal, even his worst enemy …
Water Life Snakes India