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They often write about cockroaches – a unique insect, nothing Will not say! However, the cockroach surprises us more and more.
Now scientists have determined that cockroaches also have personal qualities, almost like higher animals. With another parties, say Brussels biologists at the Free University, this is precisely what allowed the cockroach to successfully evolve.
The researchers conducted a series of experiments during which Periplaneta americana cockroaches were placed in a dark box, periodically brightly illuminating certain areas. Insects in this the case was divided into cautious, who were hiding from the light, and reckless, not afraid of him. Daredevils constantly investigated new “horizons” while cautious cockroaches preferred protected territories, well known to them – and nowhere stick out.
As noted by the head of these experiments Isaac Planas City, it is these personal characteristics, that is the division of cockroaches into bold and careful, and allow one categories of cockroaches feel free to rush in search of additional power supplies while another category is waiting in ambush. If fortune does not smile to the brave, and they die, careful keep the genus. If the bold are lucky – all individuals, as they say, remain the winner. That’s how cockroaches evolve, moreover, highly successful…
Time Insects