A famous scientist recognized the reincarnation of man in parallel worlds

A famous scientist recognized the reincarnation of man in parallel worlds.A photo from open sources

Famous American biologist Robert Paul Lanza shared with the world community is a very interesting assumption about what happens to us after death.

The specialist who developed the concept of the so-called biocentrism, believes that energy, which is the essence human nature, released after the death of his physical body, and moves into a parallel reality where the personality reborn.

A very bold statement for a scientist, isn’t it? Interesting that in In 2014, Lanza entered the hundred most influential people on the planet opinion of the magazine “Time”. Robert received universal recognition thanks stem cell research, successful experiments in the field of treatment of blindness and artificial organ tests. Moreover, a sixty-year-old American is actively studying cloning and is looking for ways to use this biotechnology for the benefit of humanity.

A photo from open sources

However, along with such activities, completely fitting into the current scientific picture of the world, Lanza is developing another, quite specific theory. It’s about biocentric The universe. According to this concept, biology is central the science of the universe and the key to understanding everything. Researcher suggests biological life is responsible for existence surrounding reality, and not vice versa, and any theory physical world will only work if build on the rational beginning of the universe as the original points.

The essence of man is pure energy

The scientist also believes that our body is a temporary shell, and the essence of human nature is pure energy, which never disappears from the universe after the death of the body. Exist infinite number of parallel worlds where this energy moves, gaining new life there. Perhaps even one about which we are not able to guess in our current existence. And such rebirths can also be infinite. set without any beginning and end of this chain.

The words of the American expert caused a mixed world reaction. Many other scholars considered such a statement to have no underneath a solid foundation and overly self-absorbed. Skeptics remind us that in our reality intelligent life was born far not immediately, but the laws of physics and chemistry always acted outside depending on the presence of man on Earth.

Meanwhile, many philosophers and esotericists reacted to the idea American positively, noting that a similar concept is prominent thinkers have developed before, however Robert may succeed improve it and find answers to some important questions, concerning the purpose of man in the universe.

Universe Life Parallel Worlds Reincarnation

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