A fire-breathing hole formed in Arkansas the earth

A fire-breathing hole in the ground formed in ArkansasPhoto from open sources

On an unremarkable green lawn in an American city Midway, Arkansas, unexpectedly formed a couple of days ago burning hole. Eyewitnesses of such an unusual phenomenon instantly caused firefighters, and those who arrived at the scene, saw quite an even 60-centimeter diameter hole in the ground, from which incredibly intense flames up to 3 high meters. The grass around the hole managed to burn to the ground.

A photo from open sources

Local fire chief Don Tucker says that his team did not dare to fill the hole with water or fall asleep sand, instead of finding it necessary to wait until the fire burn out by himself. After 40 minutes, the flame actually went out and the firemen surprised to find a deep hole in the ground, which does not the bottom is visible. Currently, experts are trying to determine what But this mysterious phenomenon was caused.

It turned out that no pipes and underground gas deposits or there is no oil here. Authorities say a meteorite, impact lightning or pyrotechnic hooliganism. Meanwhile, netizens put forward many other, bolder, hypotheses not related to natural phenomena, albeit rare. Some of them report that the aliens are to blame. Others claim Russia is testing climate weapons. Still others fear that they are in Arkansas. the gates opened to the underworld.

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