A flying robot spy is able to stay in forever in the air

A photo from open sources

This is a floating copter drone with a screw located in the ring. IN unlike his fellow workers, he does not bear any navigation system – only a couple of high-definition optical cameras permissions, the difference in the images from which the UAV is used to stabilize the position in the air relative to the ground. Optionally there is an IR camera (for night observation), an electric motor, screw … and that’s it.

Stop. And where is the battery? He is not there. No, true: it is claimed that the robot lives completely without a battery on board; it dramatically reduces it weight and allows you to fly on a single charge for up to 50 minutes.

A photo from open sources

Yes, the word “charge” in its place. Ease (Extreme Access System for Entry), the robot you just saw feeds on using a thin cable painted in “camouflage” colors – in light dark strip. Judging by what to consider in the video the coloring did not succeed, the disguise works. The battery is with him there is. But she remains with the ground operator. And when will it end – that is, after 50 minutes of continuous flight – a robot 50 cm high and with a diameter of 30 cm can be powered in “hot mode” from right there inserted second battery.

Or simply plugged in via an extension cord (unless, of course, there is a power grid nearby). Given the fact that the spy is offered for tactical reconnaissance in urban battles, talk about there is no normal network nearby. But many American combat vehicles today can feed both its batteries and and the drone itself directly, which makes its duration in the air very long – equal to the resource of electric motors.

They were developed by CyPhy Works – the new brainchild of Ms. Greiner. As an additional advantage of the machine, transmission is noted information on the wires, which excludes its interception, as well as receiving data by the adversary, as is often the case with conventional UAV.

More high-rise Parc can serve not only in urban conditions. Photos from open sources

Another drone developed by a startup is called Parc, or Persistent Aerial Reconnaissance and Communications. He looks like little brother. But it is intended for “high-altitude” flight, up to 300 m (the ultra-thin cable will not let in above). Camera system high the resolution is the same as that of Ease, and the battery life on one battery is 12 hours in a row. There is no doubt that the novelty will cause military interest: first government appropriations for it were isolated at the stage of prototyping (in most UAV developers cannot get money from the military before creating a working sample).

Drones Robots

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