A photo from open sources
This fun incident happened in China. In one of the car dealerships Shanghai customer asked the manager if the advance for the car is not possible make small money. The manager agreed – and literally after a few minutes I regretted it very, very much.
The fact is that the buyer immediately dragged four bags with a trifle of very low face value. Salon workers had to the rest of the day the whole team counts these “pennies”, which in total turned out to be twenty thousand yuan.
But this, as you yourself understand, was only the beginning – for the purchased the car paid only an advance. The remaining amount is almost forty thousand RMB customer promised to bring the same trifle. Some salon employees are seriously considering dismissal.
The client himself explained that all this is a trifle – income from his business, which one, did not specify. Car dealership employees suggest that he deals with slot machines or sells coffee, however why I decided to implement a trifle in their cabin, and not change to large banknotes in a bank – this remains a secret.