A girl who does not feel pain will help researchers create a completely new type of painkiller

F_200611_november16_186156aA photo from open sources

A girl who does not feel physical pain helped researchers find a genetic mutation that breaks perception of pain. This discovery may be the basis for creating a new type of painkiller capable of a certain way block the pain.

Comparing the genome of a girl with congenital analgesia with her genome parents who do not have her, Ingo Kurt from Jena Hospital a university in Germany has identified a mutation in the SCN11A gene.

This gene controls the development of channels in pain-sensitive neurons. Sodium ions pass through these channels, creating electrical nerve impulses that go to the brain and perceived as pain.

Over-activity in mutated version of SCN11A prevents the accumulation of charge that neurons need to transmit an electrical impulse that makes the body insensitive to pains.

Studies in mice have shown the effectiveness of gene mutations SCN11A for conditions similar to congenital analgesia. Scientists are now working on a drug that could block the channel SCN11A. “This will require the creation of drugs that selectively block only this sodium channel, and do not affect others – which is a daunting task, “says professor Kurt.

Interestingly, before scientists have identified three ionic channel in pain neurons: SCN9A, 10A and 11A. People stop feel pain when either of the first two channels is not working, and they feel agonizing pain when they are overactive. SCN11A is it works exactly the opposite – pain stops when he hyperactive, and in the mechanism of this unusual process, scientists still to be sorted out.

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