A group of tourists was in the middle of the herd elephants

A group of tourists was in the midst of a herd of elephantsPhoto from open sources

At the same time, a delightful and frightening video recently received in the Kruger South African National Park, shows a group vacationers by car, whose path unexpectedly crossed the massive movement of elephants. Many animals ran out of tall grass, and most of them rushed on, however one elephant expressed a clear dissatisfaction with the presence of people, appearing several times due to trees and with a challenge heading towards the car with tourists.

Soon the jeep was surrounded by relatives of the giant, who also behaved menacingly and with all their appearance made it clear that the person on their there is nothing to do in the territory. Despite the fact that many of the vacationers answered such attention to themselves with laughter, it was obvious that they very worried and wanted to leave there as soon as possible. Nonetheless, the guide said that you need to wait until the animals leave, so as not to irritate them even more. Apparently, adults members of the herd tried to protect the young in this way, however in eventually realized that people were not a danger to them, and left a few scared tourists alone.

Recall that elephants are considered incredibly smart creatures. They are united in matriarchal groups that live very cohesively and jealously take care of each of its members, often manifesting altruism and self-sacrifice. Elephants are very emotional and reverent. relate to death, arranging a real funeral. Hundreds are known cases when these animals performed ceremonies over their dead relatives and for a long time visited their “graves”. For some data, elephants worship the sun and moon, showing almost religious attitude to the day and night bodies.

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