Photo from open sources
U.S. scientists find a local increase in temperature near the west coast of the North American continent. As reported experts, these processes lead to the emergence of a giant site warm water, which is extremely dangerous for marine ecosystems.
In 2013, a similar process called “blob” (“drop”) led to the death of hundreds of millions of marine life and birds.
According to experts, the current situation in the Pacific is very similar to the initial stage of formation of “blob”. Water heating has begun in the same place, and the area of the anomalous section has the same sizes. The resulting wave of warm air is already observed a few months from the moment the winds subsided cooled the surface of the sea. The difference in water and blob temperatures just a few degrees.
According to scientists, a similar anomaly of 2013 offshore Alaska killed over 100 million cod and half a million birds. The number of sea lions has decreased, humpback whales, salmon and other animal species. According to one version scientists, the cause of their death was multiplied poisonous seaweed.
Scientists believe that “blobs” and other abnormal phenomena will be happen even more often because oceans heat up very quickly due to global climate change.
Andrey Vetrov