A photo from open sources
Chinese banker kidnapped a woman and confronted her with the fact that she will be forced to marry him. And all because a bachelor experienced constant pressure from parents who they demanded that he start a family and please them with a grandson.
Liu Hong, a successful young banker, explains his truth crazy act of despair: all his relatives have wives or a bride, and only he is still without a couple. The man is tired listen to the endless accusations of their parents and went on extreme measures – decided to force a stranger to become a girl his wife.
Such intolerance of parents to their bachelor lifestyle children is understandable. In China, it’s not customary to drag out marriage, especially when a man has a stable income and can give your parents a grandson. Due to overpopulation of the country a traditional Chinese family brings up only one child, and most often, parents prefer to leave the boy, the future heir to the family business. As adults, sons continue live with father and mother, and then bring a wife into the house who will take care of your husband’s elderly parents.
Chinese New Year was approaching when Liu Hong sat in the bushes parka and grabbed the first Chinese woman that caught his eye, lonely wandering along the road. Then the man tied the girl up, taped her with adhesive tape so that the victim could not call for help, and drove to to your home. There, the banker told the shocked girl that he intended to marry her and that this is not discussed. Then Liu Hong left and He returned only the next day – to give the captive to sign documents connecting them by marriage. But while the banker was in departure, the girl managed to untie the knot in her arms and dial the number his young man.
The kidnapped Chinese guy called the police, who immediately went to Liu Hong’s house and arrested him, and the pictures hapless groom made at the time of detention, already very soon flooded the internet. What punishment will a desperate hoping to find a spouse a banker, is not yet known.