A man received a giant spider in the mail

The man received a giant spider in the mailPhotos from open sources of

If you have ever complained about the quality of your delivery local mail, then you should get acquainted with one Englishman, who found … a huge tarantula in a regular mail parcel, which was delivered to his address.

A man from the English town of Bristol was incredible shocked when he received a parcel in the mail, which was intended for the former owners of the premises where he lived – after opening the box with the parcel, the british saw a huge living spider.

The animal was housed in a specially prepared container for transporting insects over long distances, but he had to stay in this container for quite a long time – three weeks a box with a giant tarantula could not reach its destination and transferred from one post office to another.

“I was surprised how this tarantula managed to survive by wandering around different cities, living among the products of their livelihoods and experiencing stress from long trips. The animal showed the result of dehydration and lost many hairs in the abdomen (spiders of its species are characterized by a similar phenomenon when they are in stressful situation pull out hairs on the abdomen) “- said television service employee of the veterinary blade, in which the shocked recipient brought the tarantula.

It is worth noting that this tarantula is one of the most large spiders of the planet and can reach the size of a small plates.

At the moment, a spider named Sid comes to life after long trips in a special center for insects and expects when he will be in the new house with the new owners.


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