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Chinese scientists from Yangzhou University and State Academy Sciences created a unique material, which under the influence ultraviolet light destroys all bacteria in the water.
This is crystalline carbon nitride, whose two-dimensional sheet is beyond one hour is able to completely clean from harmful to humans bacteria a certain amount of water. This cleaning method, called by researchers photo-catalytic disinfection, far superior to traditional chlorination and disinfection ozone.
Moreover, the principle of operation of the new material is very simple, it is based on the absorption of light waves that accelerate oxidative in water reactions, due to which active oxygen is formed, killing any microorganisms with an efficiency of up to 99.99 percent. Moreover very quickly – in an hour, no more.
But there is another plus to this method, which can be called also fundamental in order to apply this technology on an industrial scale: all this is completely uncomplicated and cheap. how assure Chinese experts to install such a system on modern treatment facilities will be completely easy, and will pay back she herself is much faster than all traditional methods. Also, cleaning in this case is highly efficient and completely harmless for a person, unlike, for example, chlorination of water, not to mention already about fluoridation …
Water china