A mother of 16 children decided to give birth and further

A married couple who used drugs and drugs conducive to conception, currently awaiting birth his seventeenth child. Christy and Dave Cason, from California, are parents of nine boys and seven girls from the age of 2 to 23 years old and say that they would like to have 20 children. “Each child is special to us. I feel the thrill of thinking about what they will become, how they will look. I do not think that pregnancy became an addiction for me. We just never felt that our family was already complete, “says the 41-year-old Christie. Christie and 45-year-old Dave, an engineer, went through 20 months of mental suffering due to two miscarriages before Christy became pregnant after using Clomid. Photos from open sources

Christy is a brilliant economist, she manages perfectly plan a budget and the whole huge family lives on $ 80,000 a year, which Dave earns. She decided that she wants a 17th child just five months after they had Nathaniel born. But unfortunately, the pregnancy was interrupted in the third month – Christy lost her baby just before scanning on her 12th week. The couple tried unsuccessfully to have a baby for a year. Then in September 2012, gynecologist Christie offered her take Clomid, which stimulates the production of hormones needed for ovulation. “We were desperate,” says Christie. “We are very wanted another child and we never had a problem with conception in the past. The biggest age difference between births is 22 months. ”

A photo from open sources

Just three months later, in November 2012, Christy was in delighted to know that she was pregnant again. But just three days before Christmas she had a miscarriage again, this time on the ninth week. Devastated Christie and Dave did not lose hope and were full determined to try again. They are very happy that Christie is now at 16 weeks pregnant. Recently a couple was born first grandson. Their eldest daughter Jessica gave birth to a girl who named jayden and christy nurses her while jessica works. The couple’s day starts at 5 in the morning when Dave leaves for work, and Christie begins to do household chores and training children to school. The family takes things to the laundry three to seven times per day and buys at least two boxes of oatmeal, two gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. Dave’s salary, which is $ 80,000, painted to the penny. $ 1,300 goes to payout a mortgage for their five-bedroom home, a family spends $ 1,600 a month on food and $ 1900 to pay bills and running expenses. Couple explains that they have such a large family, not because of religious beliefs, but simply because they love children. Alexei Slobodian


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