Photo from open sources
Professional photographer Alan Dyer managed to capture a striking atmospheric phenomenon that he cannot find clear scientific explanation.
In the Canadian province of Alberta, a strong a geomagnetic storm, and a man, capturing his camera, went on nature to take pictures. There he, unexpectedly for himself, saw a huge an arc of purple light stretching across the sky.
According to the author of the picture, at about 10:45 p.m. he witnessed the appearance of the mysterious heavenly arch, and after about 20 minutes the evening sky has returned to its former form. It is noteworthy that similar beauty in Canada has been observed before. Maybe it is so called the “steve” we wrote about in April. “Steve” today called a rare and poorly studied phenomenon in the form of violet-green heavenly tape.
Over the years, these arches arising during the polar auroras, called “proton arcs.” However, scientists determined that they have nothing to do with protons. It, rather, gas floating across the sky at a speed of 6-10 kilometers in give me a sec. However, where does it come from, the people of science cannot yet to tell.
It is noteworthy that at the beginning of this year through one of these arcs a satellite of the European space flew at an altitude of 300 kilometers agencies. The device’s sensors then detected a temperature increase. 3 thousand degrees Celsius – this is what it is “heavenly” arch”!