A mysterious black hemisphere arose in the sky above Brazil

A mysterious black hemisphere has arisen in the sky over BrazilA photo from open sources

October 3 this year, residents of the Brazilian municipality Itaara, Rio Grande do Sul, has witnessed an unusual phenomena. In the stormy sky above the city a mysterious unexpectedly arose black object resembling a large hemisphere.

The shot was taken by a local photographer who didn’t too lazy to run home behind a professional camera. The man claims to in no way processed the image and left it is in its original form.

Of course, when the mysterious frame got into the World Wide Web, many netizens began to wonder what was on it pictured.

Some believe that the legendary planet Nibiru is close finally to the earth. According to others, this is an aircraft representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. Still others speak of a failure in The “matrix” or the gap of the space-time continuum. what concerns skeptics, they claim that we have some rare atmospheric phenomenon. Alas, which one, materialists do not can explain. Maybe, in their opinion, the first of its kind, seen by man, as nature is itself a great mystery to us…

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