A mysterious clot of energy scared mechanics

A mysterious bunch of energy scared the mechanicsPhoto from open sources

November 9 this year on the famous video hosting “YouTube” a mysterious video appeared with the signature:

You can watch a strange flying ball here, interacted with a friend of my father when he was together with two other mechanics in the workshop. This bunch of light scared him, and he and his colleagues tried to determine what happened. It’s strange that they didn’t see the white floating in the air sphere, although it is extremely clearly captured on camera video surveillance.

It is reported that mysterious shots were obtained last week in a car repair shop in the American city of Cheyenne, state Wyoming.

The trinity of workers performed their routine duties when something strange happened. One of those present suddenly felt someone touch his neck like hot palm. The man started and, realizing that it could not be him colleagues, began to shake off an invisible hand and look around at looking for a source of touch.

Surprised Americans looked at the DVR record, knowing that he constantly records what is happening in the workshop, and unexpectedly noticed on it this anomaly flying like some kind of living creature, indoors. Mysterious at a certain moment a bunch of energy really came close to the back of our head hero – then he started, and began to look around …

Many World Wide Web users who viewed the entry below, considered that before us so called orb. Orbs are considered a bit of a ghost, however many researchers of supernatural phenomena think differently. By their opinion, these spherical entities inaccessible to the human eye, but captured in photos and videos, they are a kind of clean energy that has little to do with the spirits of the dead people.

According to the conclusion of such experts, orbs emerge from parallel worlds or always live in our reality, however for some reason it is impossible to catch them with the naked eye. But it sometimes manages to record video equipment, and certainly digital, not analog.

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