A mysterious creature was chasing a boat in Puerto rico

A mysterious creature chased a boat in Puerto RicoA photo from open sources

A group of Puerto Ricans strolled on July 8 through the river channel on a motor boat when she noticed something strange and even frightening.

By turning on the video below, you can see how friends with funny cries swim through the tunnel, then one of them turns the camera back. After a second in the water you can see mysterious pale silhouette, not like something unknown science a humanoid creature, not that of a woman with long black hair – a real mermaid.

A cameraman named Daby Morales tells that the mysterious the event occurred on one of the canals of the Isabella River. Our heroes recognize that they were truly shocked and even somewhat scared by their discovery. One of them suggests that it was a certain floating monster. According to another, we are talking about creepy the ghost of a dark-haired woman. If you believe the third, in the lens the camera got a real mermaid. In a word, skeptics Among the eyewitnesses was not.

But the skeptics on the World Wide Web say that Puerto Ricans scared of some large bag or similar object, raised from the bottom by the movement of the boat. The authors of the recording do not deny that this is possible, but no longer willing to ride here. Moreover, they report a “terrible” urban legend attributing this channel supernatural properties. Locals especially young people claim that drowned people often come to life here and are shown to people floating on water, as, for example, in this case. Well, the spirit of the restless soul didn’t jump into the boat …

However, all this is nothing more than urban legends, but what kind of a terrible creature was floating behind a Puerto Rican motor boat in fact, apparently, it will remain a mystery …

Mermaid Water

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