A photo from open sources
Mysterious rumble heard in places like Bristol (England), Bondi (Australia) and Taosi (New Mexico). On the picture – Pueblo settlement from Taos
He makes his way under the cover of night and hearing once, from him never get rid again …
It is known as The Hum, a constant, buzzing sound that heard in completely different places such as Taos, New Mexico, Bristol, England, Scotland.
However, no one can determine the source of this sound and why only a certain small percentage of the population hears it areas. This mystery remains in the Top 10 inexplicable phenomena.
The first information began to appear from the 1950s from people which suddenly began to pursue a low-frequency, pulsating rumble.
All of these inexplicable cases have common details. Usually, A rumble is heard indoors in the dark. He is also more distinct and widespread in rural or suburban areas. This is probably due to the high level of general noise in urban areas. settlements.
Who hears the rumble?
Only about two percent of people hear this hum, and only in certain areas of the earth. According to 2003 research statistics most often people from 55 to 70 years old hear noise.
Most people who hear Hum (sometimes called “listeners” or “hammers”) describe a sound similar to a sound diesel engine idling. This noise brings to many despair.
“It can be compared to torture, sometimes you want to scream from powerlessness, ”pensioner Katie Jacques Leeds said in an interview with the BBC. Leeds lives in the UK, in the area where he recently appeared Rumble.
“The worst thing at night,” says Jacques. “It’s hard for me to fall asleep because that I hear this throbbing, annoying sound … constantly tossing and turning and this is almost impossible to sleep. ”
Most victims have a perfectly normal hearing. Victims complain of headache, nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds and sleep disturbance. It was recorded even one suicide.
Ghoul manifestation zones
One of the first places of manifestation of Gul is called the English city Bristol. In 1970, about eight hundred people heard an obsessive, a steady, buzzing noise that was ultimately attributed to local factories working twenty-four hours a day.
Another massive case was recorded in 1991 near Taos, New Mexico. Residents of the region complained about the low-frequency, almost rumbling sound. Team of researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory was never able to find out sources of mysterious sound.
Windsor, Ontario is another hot spot. Recently, researchers from the University of Windsor and Western University of Ontario Received Grant for Study of Ghoul and determine the causes of its occurrence.
Also for several years, Australian researchers explored the mysterious noise in Bondi, Sydney’s seaside area, but all to no avail. “This buzz is pushing people to craziness. All that can be done is to turn on the music and muffle it for a while “, – one of the residents told The Daily Telegraph magazine.
Returning to the United States, in 2003, state authorities Indiana funded research in Kokomo. The investigation revealed that one of the factories in the city, namely Daimler Chrysler made noise at certain frequencies. Despite the maintenance work, some residents continue to complain about Rumble.
What does the Buzz do?
Most researchers are of the opinion that this the phenomenon has real causes, and is not the result mass hysteria or mischief of aliens.
As in the case of the city of Kokomo, in first place on the list suspects worth industrial equipment. In one case managed to trace the source of the noise. It turned out to be the central hub heating.
Other researchers list gas pipelines high pressure power lines wireless devices communication and so on. However, only occasionally can the rumble be associated with mechanical or electrical source.
There is a theory that hum can be the result of a low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, which is heard only for a narrow circle people. It is likely that there are people with particular sensitivity to signals outside the normal range of perception human hearing.
Environmental factors are also under doubt. It is possible that the reason is seismic activity, in particular microseismic low-frequency tremors. And the reason for such aftershocks can be ocean waves.
Other hypotheses, such as military experiments or underwater communications have not yet found evidence.
“The nature of this phenomenon has been hiding under the cover of mystery now forty years and maybe we will not soon find out the true origin this mystical drone, “says the BBC.
Australia Time