A new island appeared off the coast of Germany
Photos from open sources The territory of the new German The island is about 14 hectares. In addition to waders and gulls offspring on it are already being brought out by eiders, whales and peregrine falcons. 25 kilometers away off the coast of German federal state Schleswig-Holstein in The Wadden Sea formed a new island. This is reported in January issue of Wattenmeer National Park Magazine. Area the island is about 14 hectares and the height of its sand dunes reaches four meters. In the entire history of existence National Park since 1985, such an event is observed for the first time. Flora and fauna Signs of the emergence of a new island were marked more than ten years ago when on a narrow strip of sand, in the time of the tides barely rising above the water, began to arrange the first silver gulls and large waders. In 2012 bird watchers counted a total of about 240 bird pairs here. In addition to the species already mentioned, their offspring are being bred on a new island sea gulls and kloshi, gray geese, common eiders, ties as well as peregrine falcons and terns. Main plants are sandy oats and grate, and in lowlands between individual dunes formed solonchak meadows typical of East Frisian Islands. As the representative of the administration noted Park Martin Stock in an interview with dpa, at the moment there are almost 50 species of plants, including including wormwood, seashore triosterennik and halimion. Features shallow water and eco-tourism Watts – shallow areas North Sea off the coast of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer National Park covers Schleswig-Holstein section of the coast from the Danish border to the mouth Elbe. More than half of the total area of the Wadden Sea is under UNESCO conservation as one of the last large-scale natural ecosystems tidal zones in which natural processes continue function largely without human intervention. During the annual migration in this region stops to 20 million migratory birds. The park also plays a special role for conservation of the European seal population. In the region ecological tourism is actively developing. In 2010 in the local hotels and hotels (both on islands and in mainland coastal part) about 2.3 million were registered tourists, and the total number of overnight stays exceeded 12 million. Deutsch the verb “waten” means “wade” or “spank on water and dirt. “Hiking or horseback riding are especially popular. on the bottom of the Wadden Sea during low tides, as well as visits to the hally – land areas surrounded by water only during high tides or wind surge of sea water. Source: Deutsche Welle Off the coast of Germany suddenly a new island about the size of 25 football fields
Photo from open sources January 10, 2013. The territory of Germany replenished with a new island, which suddenly originated in the North Sea at a distance of 25 kilometers from the coast federal state Schleswig-Holstein. According to The Daily Mail, the island has dimensions that are approximately 25 football fields. German fishermen have already called it Bird Island. Its height above sea level reaches only 4.5 meters. Island soil in mostly sandy. However, biologists counted 49 species of plants with all of Europe that have taken root here. “The island may not be long hold out. One powerful storm is enough to blur it. It all depends on the plants that have taken root here. Bird island and will continue to exist if they quickly grow their roots and strengthen the soil, “says biologist Martin Stoke. Experts say this is the first time in 25 years that part sushi rose above sea level in the waters of Germany.
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Photos from open sources
Water Time Germany Islands Plants