A new “plague” on the head of earthlings!

A photo from open sources

A new “plague” on the head of earthlings! Oh, we don’t live in peace! A new “plague” appeared on the head of earthlings – scientists recorded record in the past five years, a decrease in current velocity Gulf Stream! The warm current of the Atlantic Ocean is the main climate-forming factor in most of Europe and North America! This is clearly seen when comparing the average long-term temperatures January. For example, in North American cities located in latitudinal zone 40-42 degrees north latitude, the highest January temperature in coastal New York is -0.4 °. And in Chicago, located 1100 kilometers from the coast, already -6.1 °. In the capital Iowa, one and a half thousand kilometers from the ocean, January minimum is -7 °. The same picture is in the Old Light: the average January temperature as you move away from the coast decreases, on average, by 0.4-0.6 degrees for every 100 kilometers! For example, in Glasgow (55.52 N) – + 3.5 °, and in Moscow (55.45 N) – only -9.3 °. But back to the decreasing speed Gulf Stream. According to recent measurements, on North American stretch its speed dropped by almost two times in relation to 2012! Some researchers make of this conclusion about the inevitability of a fierce winter in the upcoming season. Is not it this is? Even from the school physics course it’s clear that the flow rate itself by itself does not mean anything. Transfer volumes or temperature are important. portable water! And in the case of a proportional increase in these values, the effect of speed reduction will be completely leveled. More recently, data have been published that water temperature off the coast of New England rose, on average, by 6.2-6.7 °. So the Gulf Stream carries warmer water in large volumes, but with less speed! In support of these words in the illustration A map of sea temperature in the North Atlantic is shown. It is seen that the surface layer of the ocean in a latitudinal zone of 60-50 degrees north latitude is very warm – + 10 … + 15 °, it’s a few degrees higher than it should be at this time of year. So visit the store for while fur coats can be put off!

Gulf Stream Water

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