A photo from open sources Group of American scientists at the University Buffalo developed a theory according to which all dimensions in Universe appear gradually. Head of Research Dejan Stojkovic is sure that at first there was only one dimension, then new ones gradually appeared, and finally the world became so, in which we now live in – three-dimensional. In addition, scientists claim that the evolution of the universe is not completed, but is in the development process, which means that the universe may soon new dimensions will appear. The scientific community is skeptical embraced studies at the University of Buffalo, many call the results are extremely dubious, and many frankly laugh at theory of Stojkovic. But the latter claims that his research will be confirmed in practice soon. This will happen in 2016. That’s when NASA plans to build an orbital station, which will allow to study gravitational waves. These waves come from the stars millions of years, go with the light, and so far only studied in theory. In 2016, scientists hope to find them. But only not researchers from buffalo. They believe that the universe was one-dimensional, and therefore there is simply nowhere to go to the waves from.