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Can humans, like migratory birds, feel south and north? Official science has always argued not. Nonetheless, in recent years, some world scientists have begun to admit the possibility that our brain is still responding to vibrations Earth’s magnetic field. And if this is so, then for sure such man’s abilities is our destiny, about which we, perhaps until we even guess.
Search for a person of the sixth (or seventh, who likes something), magnetic feelings for a long time remained very slippery path for scientists. After the Second World War, many experts paid for such research by careers. There is nothing there is no criminal in such experiments, but earlier they considered by the world scientific community in the same way as research in areas of dowsing or dealing with the dead. Now they are daredevils ready to prove Homo Sapiens again geomagnetic field, and official science is not so sharply criticized research in this area.
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Earth’s magnetic field is felt by many animals
The fact that many living things feel the magnetic field of our planets have been known for a long time. In certain cases, experts they fully understand why animals have a magnetic organ. So, migratory birds and schools of flocks use this flair for navigation.
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There are other cases where the role of the sixth sense is much more mysterious. For example, scientists have proven that it is present in dogs. In particular, when coping, animals from the canine family always located strictly along the meridian. Specialists still puzzle over why dogs need a magnetic flair and even more so use it for so little?
American biologist Joe Kirschwink attracted to experiment own students to find a person’s sense of geomagnetic fields. The professor blindfolded the students and drove them along the tangled routes for many kilometers from the university. Getting out of the car many young people easily pointed to the place where they were taken away. According to Kirshvink, statistically it simply could not be a coincidence. By the way, when an American brought students to a power station with its own magnetic field, all students without exception, they were immediately “lost” and could not determine in which side was their university.
Why does a person need a sense of the Earth’s magnetic field?
Working today at the California Institute of Technology, Kirshvink built the so-called Faraday cage in the basement of the building, blocking all external magnetic waves. Inside the camera is Artificial controlled magnetic field. Putting test subjects in cell, the researcher monitors the state of their brain. It turns out that the central part of the human nervous system continuously reacts to any changes in the magnetic field.
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According to Joe Kirschwink, he managed to prove that you and I there is a sixth sense by which we pick up vibrations Earth’s geomagnetic field. Now it remains to determine what it is for. flair is necessary for people.