A press conference was held with Russian sorcerers

A press conference was held with Russian sorcerersPhoto from open sources

An unusual event took place in the Russian capital yesterday press conference called “Warlocks in Law”, at which clairvoyant, psychic, deputy, archpriest, lawyer, and also a specialist in the fight against pseudoscience.

A photo from open sources

The event was opened by deputy Vladimir Petrov from Leningradskaya area. The official told reporters that the occult magic activities in our country should be recognized officially. IN Rosstat classifier already has such professions as medium and astrologer. It remains to legitimize the work of psychics in Russia, magicians, sorcerers and other similar specialists. Taking from them taxes, as Petrov is sure, it will be possible to get significant increase in the state budget.

The MP noted that, according to some estimates, the annual The volume of services provided by Russian sensors is about two billion dollars. Moreover, the work of traditional healers is already legalized in our country, and such citizens are issued special permissions. The state recognized the existence of mediums and astrologers, however, their activities have not yet been regulated by law.

In a new bill proposed by Russian officials, the concepts of “extrasensory perception” and “magic” are defined as activities, which cannot be confirmed or disproved by traditional methods. Thus, market participants themselves will determine who has supernatural powers, and who does not.

A photo from open sources

Clinical psychologist and medium who participated in the press conference Ziraddin Rzayev said that for a start, science must recognize the existence of extrasensory perception, then should already be taken any laws. Rzayev is skeptical about officials’s venture believes that it is not worth legalizing magicians and sorcerers. Official science, according to the expert, will simply not be able to prove that extrasensory perception is real. The medium also believes that the legitimization of sensitivities will increase the number of scammers.

A photo from open sources

Clairvoyant Alena Orlova does not agree with her colleague. She supported the registration and legalization of mediums, but noted that The media is paying too much attention to such people, which is why occult mystical activity often attracts immoral and unscrupulous people willing to earn money this money, without helping customers. According to Orlova, a lot sorcerer-scammers advertise themselves well, therefore to them asks for help a huge number of people, and if not to separate, as they say, the grain from the chaff, it will not end in good. Clairvoyant suggests banning psychics from advertising themselves, so that people turn only to trusted professionals, and not conducted on advertising.

A photo from open sources

The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church Vsevolod Chaplin also criticized the domestic media for coverage of witchcraft. Archpriest I’m convinced that psychics rarely really help people, and often their actions are completely dangerous for customers.

A photo from open sources

He represented the official science at the last press conference. also Alexander Panchin – member of the Commission on the fight against pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research. According to him, many scientists in Russia strongly oppose legalization the activities of magicians. Panchin recalled how in the seventies the US government spent a large amount of money studying people with paranormal abilities. Subsequently all participants of this experiment admitted to cheating.

Panchin also emphasized that in many countries there are cash bonuses that people with supernatural abilities. For example, in Russia in 2015 the Harry Houdini Prize of one million was established rubles, however, so far none of the domestic mediums have convinced scientists in the possession of extrasensory perceptions of the world.

A photo from open sources

Lawyer Elman Pashayev said that the withdrawal of sensitivities and clairvoyants to the legal plane will be very difficult. Lawyer stated that, firstly, solid evidence is needed that u people have paranormal abilities, and this is practically impossible. Secondly, deceived customers will have to go somewhere to handle and somehow prove that they became victims of charlatans, and this will also be extremely difficult to do.

Money Russia Psychics

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