A strange star was noticed over Sochi

Over Sochi noticed a strange starPhotos from open sources of

Two mysterious snapshots appeared on Russian social networks, made the other day in Sochi. In both photos taken during sunset, a strange sphere of lemon color is noticed.

The anomaly that appeared in the sky resembles a small star, not an unidentified flying object of impressive size. Eyewitnesses argue that the mysterious ball did not hang over the city for long then quickly flew to the side and soon disappeared from sight.

A photo from open sources

Many skeptics believe that these were lens flares camera, however, such a theory immediately disappears, because Images were taken by different people from different points. The representative of the local department of the Ministry of Emergencies, Yuri Tkachenko, suggests that Sochi took the moon for an anomaly. Perhaps due to some atmospheric The natural satellite of the Earth suddenly changed its color. And then took and … flew away? ..

Finally, there are also such Thomas unbelievers who are convinced that this is the most common photo montage, although local journalists claim that a strange celestial phenomenon was observed and filmed on cameras many residents and guests of Sochi. However, watch the video and judge for yourself…

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