A striking phenomenon captured in Colombian the tunnel

An amazing phenomenon captured in the Colombian tunnelA photo from open sources

A striking phenomenon that no one has found so far rational explanation captured on May 17 in a Colombian city Medellin. The authors of the video below are local workers planning repairs in a transit tunnel under Cauca River. Men suddenly noticed how in the darkness of the underground the structure rises and falls the road – almost to the arch, grabbing the walls.

An incomprehensible yellow anomaly sharply arose from the asphalt, as some incredible huge bubble, and just as quickly falling down. Having witnessed such a mysterious and frightening sight, the workers refused to enter the tunnel that day.

Some internet users say it was a bizarre optical illusion, that’s just how it is so clearly captured on video ?. According to others, all the fault strange underground activity. Still others claim that speech It is a phenomenon of supernatural nature.

Be that as it may, but information about disasters and destruction from the city of Medellin in the press of Colombia has not yet slipped. how further workers arrived, they went into a mysterious tunnel or not, is also unknown, however, it must be assumed that the captured the video has a fantastic phenomenon that is far from material nature …

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