A terrible triangle appeared in the state sky Louisiana

A terrible triangle appeared in the sky of LouisianaPhoto from open sources In America, strange celestial phenomena in the form of geometric figures, which contradicts the laws of physics, if attributed to natural phenomena, for example, the clouds. Although, according to some researchers paranormal phenomena, and clouds often manifest themselves as reasonable creation.

However, judge for yourself, the Americans did not have time to be afraid of the huge translucent rectangular (surprisingly) fantastic an object in the sky that appeared here not so long ago as on you – new mysterious “gift”. Now Louisiana has formed incomprehensible huge shadow in heaven and again in the form of a triangle with well-defined sides, which is unnatural for nature. Yes with the same unnatural backlight.

A photo from open sources

Many Americans, scared by the latest hurricanes and earthquakes, thought it was a sign approaching a new natural disaster. Others remembered the mysterious planet and the terrible planet Nibiru, which conspiracy theories frighten the inhabitants of the Earth that’s how much time (and she, well, doesn’t arrive at all). Third thought of an armada of aliens, because their ships are supposedly just about must begin to take over our planet – and this is by all means will happen first in the USA (at least Americans think so, based on their terrible science fiction films).

Whatever it is, the black triangle in the sky is actually looks mysteriously horrible, especially when you consider that meteorological scientists can not intelligently explain it. And all there are few fables about cold and warm air currents today who are convinced …

It is only worth noting that the mysterious heavenly phenomena today observed in many parts of the world (see video below). Conspirologists, for example, attribute this to the work of the HAARP project, built in Alaska is not known for what purpose, rather far from those officially announced. For example, it could very well be reptiloid project to strengthen the Earth’s protective field created by they once (about 13 thousand years ago) in order to cut off consciousness people from the information bank of the universe, making us practically defenseless zombie slaves. However lately it the field began to thin out due to the awakening of people’s consciousness, enhancing clean energy. So the Anunnaki urgently need to patch this “protective screen”. Hence all the oddities in heaven. However, According to the researchers, the reign of reptilians coming to an end, and no projects like HAARP will save them. A therefore, you should not be afraid of today’s “heavenly signs” – they are more scare the Anunnaki themselves …

HAARP Reptiloid Time

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