A photo from open sources
The union of the bee and man has many thousands of years. There is nothing the amazing thing is that we are so attached to these insects. They are not only give tasty and healthy honey, but in general provide our plant-based life, since without pollination by bees – many plants indispensable for humans would simply cease exist.
Nevertheless, despite such a long friendship, it turns out that we know about our yellow-black nurse very Little. For example, you cannot tell exactly where the bees are fly away and that pollinate there, how long this process takes, not to mention how they make their honey. In order to make up gaps from the “life” of the bee, London scientists decided to resort to modern technology.
Engineer Mark O’Neill, author of the project, along with Royal Botanic Gardens Kew London has developed tiny tracker “track foraging” that can be done without causing The inconvenience of the insect is placed on its back. Miniature beacon whose work is based on radio frequency identification, allows track bee flights. And due to the fact that these insects are always moving together, you can learn about the distances covered whole families.
See also: Amazing facts about bees.
The dimensions of the tracker are three and a half and one millimeter. The beacon has a flexible antenna, the length of which slightly exceeds centimeter. To install the device, the bee is slightly cooled, bringing her to sleepy state, and then install the tracker on her the back. As the device showed, one bee pollinates flowers about twenty minutes, with an average flying away from the hive by six hundred meters.
True, the initial information obtained through modern technology is not so unique, because, a long time ago known. But further research promises scientists a lot interesting from the life of bees. For example, maybe they will succeed, finally, establish how it is actually produced honey…
Life Insects Bees Plants