A tuberculosis vaccine that killed monkeys is given African children?

A vaccine for killing monkeys is being given to African children?A photo from open sources

Hundreds of South African children vaccinated against new tuberculosis Oxford University drug, which killed almost all experimental monkeys.

Professor Peter Beverly, who participated in the test of the new medication, claims that during that experiment already infected tuberculosis monkeys were divided into two groups: the first received the well-known bacillus of Calmette-Guerin (BCG), and the second – BCG along with a new drug. In the first group, two primates from six, in the second – five out of six. It became known when in South Africa �vaccination with a new medicine for African children was already in full swing, that is, a drug whose regulator’s research results were not informed.

Oxford University representatives immediately spoke with statement that all necessary information is South African it was introduced to regulators, and the vaccine actually passed successful test, not only on monkeys, but also on more than four hundred people.

Inexplicable in this case, emphasizes Peter Beverly, remains one more thing: why are the parents of African children who agreed for this vaccination against tuberculosis, received 10 pounds sterling? This is indirect, but very serious evidence that new vaccine trials continued on children of Africa …

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