A unique way to decrypt any mysterious signals, inscriptions, drawings …

A unique way to decrypt any mysterious signals, inscriptions, drawings ...A photo from open sources

Rene Heller – One of the Leading Scientists at the Max Institute of Munich Planck has found a very effective way to decrypt any mysterious inscriptions, signals, drawings and so on.

True, the physicist himself in this case sought to decipher only messages from aliens – mysterious signals that are often come from outer space, but astronomers can’t understand, even identify what it is.

Rene Heller suggests using a huge the potential of all the inhabitants of the planet, that is, to launch the process Decryption to the most visited social networks. More recently, a physicist conducted a similar experiment, marking up on the Internet the text he encoded as a sequence of two million units and zeros, attaching a questionnaire to it, so that everyone understands the essence of what needs to be done. To his surprise, the email is already a few days later several hundred letters arrived with various answer options, of which 66 were correct. Moreover fifty percent of those who responded did task on their own, the rest connected the discussion on the forums and in social networks.

A photo from open sources

Based on this, Rene Heller concluded: any, even the most tricky, message from aliens is possible via the Internet decrypt in a fairly short time. However in the social networks immediately found those who understood the limitless possibilities of such decryption method, since it can be used not only astronomers, but also scientists who analyze, for example, ancient manuscripts, rock inscriptions and so on …

Scientists, take the effective Rene Heller method into service, social network users are contacting researchers around the world!

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