Photo from open sources
The video below was taken at the beginning of the current of the month by Erica Haight from Boynton Beach, Florida.
According to the American, she was during a storm at at home and suddenly heard outside something resembling loud shots. Getting ready to call the police, the woman looked out the window and thanks to this, she witnessed an amazing phenomenon. More In addition, she managed to shoot it on a smartphone’s camcorder.
Incredibly bright and powerful lightning with a deafening thunder hit the traffic sign on the opposite side several times streets. That was what scared the American woman at first, who thought that someone had a shootout near her house. Calmed down and Having refused the services of the police, the woman, nevertheless, remained under deep impression of what he saw, because even imagine could, that such a thing is possible.
When Erica posted the video on the World the web, he quickly gained popularity among netizens and circled many resources. According to some commentators, Haight captured something beyond the ordinary. For instance, it is hypothesized that it could be not ordinary lightning, but a certain energy essence: it is too purposeful acted. Others believe that what has happened is certain rational explanation, and before us is a rare prank of nature. Though even ordinary lightnings still remain for science not quite unraveled phenomenon, and here it is …
Be that as it may, what happened to the American, continuing to perplex the many regulars of virtual space, only confirmed the opinion of scientists about the mystery of celestial discharges. Note also that not one of the commentators wrote that I saw in life something similar that Erica managed to shoot on video. Strange, isn’t it? ..