Photos from open sources
Scientists unexpectedly recorded the disappearance of the large river Slims in the Canadian Yukon. To discover such an unusual loss allowed the satellite imagery taken by the remote Earth Sensing “Sentinel-2” European Space agencies. The photographs provided to Canadians show that two years ago the river was full-flowing, but today it remains from it only small streams.
The waters of this river flowed northward, namely towards Bering Sea. In addition, Slims fed the lake of the same name. Researchers have determined that the reason for the shallowing of the watercourse lies in the colossal Cascavul glacier, which retreated deep into the mainland. Many millennia ago, this glacier formed here and fed melted water stock channels. Now the water is from Cascavulsh, probably going south, i.e. towards the Pacific the ocean. And the blame, according to the people of science, was the notorious global warming.
Experts have previously assumed the existence of such a phenomenon, like a “river interception”, but only now they managed to run into it in a real situation. And the river dried up not even in a couple of years, but perhaps in just a few days, which is unprecedented in nature by chance. Undoubtedly, the disappearance of a whole river should inflict local ecosystem certain damage however Canadian authorities they assure local residents that they don’t have a problem with drinking water threatens.