Photo from open sources
The first stage of the revolutionary experiment in genetic rejuvenation of a person. A year ago, a forty-four year old American researcher and head of the scientific firm “BioViva” agreed to become the first individual in history whose genes artificially change.
Elizabeth Parrish intends to demonstrate to the world through her experience that modern medicine is able to prevent old age, extremely long preserving the youth of a person.
According to the intermediate results of the experiment, Parrish is already younger white blood cells, and her telomeres became as long as twenty years ago.
In 1961, American biologist Leonard Hayflick found that a cell divides during its life only a certain number of times. When the length of at least one end portion of the chromosome – telomere becomes extremely short, the cell ceases to divide and begins getting old. This is necessary in order to prevent various mutations and save the genome. Thus, the aging of tissues and everything organism is inevitable in nature, since telomeres during division are decreasing.
Youth for scientific progress
Last September, Elizabeth Parrish was injected into a vein special genetic material designed to reverse shortening telomere, thereby not only stopping the aging of a woman, but also making her younger. Such gene therapy has been tested in humans. first. Some scientists, in particular, colleagues Parrish from “BioViva”, look at the experiment is very optimistic. Other specialists fear that such a serious interference with the human body may cause various side effects, which scientists so far do not even guess. Now Elizabeth is feeling fine and preparing to rejuvenate completely, but no one knows what awaits an American in a month, a year or a decade. Can medicine help a woman if she suddenly begins to suffer from unwanted consequences of the procedure?
A photo from open sources
It is noteworthy that the researcher had to make injections on the territory of Colombia since in the United States similar medicines are prohibited, and therefore the procedure is illegal. Solution penetrated the nucleus of all cells of a woman, starting anti-aging processes (or rather, by starting the process of preventing contractions telomere). In the next stage of the experiment, biologists will increase production of telomerase – the enzyme responsible for the restoration the lengths of the terminal sections of chromosomes. It is believed that in the future Americans rejuvenate internal organs, bones and skin, thanks what a woman will look almost young.
A real dream, someone will say. Parrish, however, assures that its own benefit does not concern her so much, and scientific interest is above all.