Who would have thought that with a tiny country on the shore Baltic Sea related tragic events for the most part planets – riots, wars and destructive earthquakes! Photo from open source sacred tract under Dobele – whether it was … Recently, almost to Latvia not from all over the world come people studying paranormal phenomena. They, like local scientists, are convinced: our planet is giant geocrystal, along the face-lines of which is distributed energy all over the earth. Several lines intersect in the territory Latvia, and then, if something happens in the country, then it hits Great Britain, Greece, Italy and other regions – as well as vice versa. The Baltic states are also energetically connected with Ukraine, Belarus, the Kaliningrad region and the north of Russia … Ancient observatory in Latvian more often. In the late 1980s to the First program of the Central Television showed a film about the mysterious a cluster of stones in a forest near the village of Wenceslas: scientists found there much in common with Stonehenge, and with the pyramids of Giza. As The expert was an associate professor at Riga Technical University, astronomer-geodesist Janis Kletnieks, arguing: in Vaidava – An ancient observatory, created even before our era! Kletnieks (him 83 years will soon turn out) almost the first in the USSR began to search for nationwide observatories that were built from Karelia to the Far East people who lived millennia ago. And then, since 1992, the scientist traveled almost the whole world in search of the most ancient monuments civilizations. – The ancient observatory in Vaidava was destroyed centuries ago, just a cluster of 400 stones remained in the forest: some are laid out in the form circles, others in straight lines, says the scientist. – In Vaidava, I conducted research with the filing of the local historian Ivar Viks, who believed that the country was full of places energetically connected with others in different ends of the Earth, for example with Mayan pyramids. One of such – a forest in the town of Pokayny, ten kilometers out of town Dobele. The axis of the Earth “sticks out” from Pokayna According to some scientists, in the Pokayny tract, in the most ordinary, at first glance, forest, – the neck of the “black funnel”, which sucks all the forces of a person. Others suggest: underground is a giant crystal, swinging the electromagnetic field of the planet. And others are sure: through Pokayny passes the energy axis of the Earth. Behind the order in Pokayin watches the Mother’s stone. Ministers of the ancient cults, modern esotericists and healers to this day commit around him rituals. According to another legend, five kilometers from Mother passed … the earth’s axis. The people say: “Once upon a time in a sick guy lived nearby. But God cured him! To to check the patient’s strength, God drove a stone pillar into the ground and ordered: “Turn!” The guy turned the pillar and … unfolded the whole peace. “According to Kletnieks, Latvia has well preserved and more cult place – not far from the village of Araishi. Near Lazdinu Lake the Iron Age mound rises where scientists discovered a circle of stones. – It was believed that such circles protect from the world of the living transition to the kingdom of the dead. In the Araish circle of stones, as in English Stonehenge, there is a “gate” where you can enter, as well as landmarks in the direction of sunset and sunrise, – says the interlocutor. – There are no burial places in that place, and I’m sure: there was ancient observatory! We found similar places in Lithuania. Women there they buried their faces strictly at sunrise, and men at sunset. The same burials were also found in the mountains of Crimea. There are even stones set apart: at a certain time: the rays of the sun fell between them clearly to a cult place. A similar arrangement of stones is associated with the oldest traditions that existed among many peoples. IN Ireland preserved many dolmens – Newgrange is one of them: the stones are strictly oriented towards the winter solstice and the summer one. Then the same is on the Orkneys of Scotland where the stone the buildings are much older than Stonehenge. Who installed them? Representatives of the first civilizations of the Earth! Shakes Latvia – the whole world trembles But there is another version: in places like Vaidava, Araishi, Po-Kainas in ancient times performed rituals capable of not only change the weather in any region of the Earth, but even mountains to shift! Is this the question? But what the Baltic states directly connected with other regions of the planet – no doubt. IN the famous Latvian scientist, the head of public organizations of Enio-Experts Jury Lear: – Latvia is located in ancient seismic zone where incredibly long tectonic converge faults. The energy passing through the faults is exceptionally powerful. On the the principle of “swing” works throughout the Earth, and this is expressed in the fact that Seismic or any climate change, as follows: when it shook in one place, unexpectedly also happens in another momentum, a hurricane begins or drought sets in. That’s all processes taking place in the earth’s crust and atmosphere also affect human behavior, in his psyche … With our region, located on one side of the “swing”, seismically connected the other side is the south of Greece and the island of Crete, and the “crossbar” is Carpathians. About the same principle of “swing” (in different scale) we are connected with other regions of the Earth. Only facts On April 17, 2007, an earthquake struck Sweden. area of the island of Gotland, and soon near the Latvian city Daugazpils recorded a tornado, and two days later they saw a “funnel” near the village of Akniste. April 18th earthquake in the north Norway, and in Latvia there was a car accident with human casualties on the highway near the river Lorupe. Near Lorupe – intersection sedimentary faults, along which, as if by power lines, Earth energy is pumped from a larger fault. She comes to the surface and strikes, including in the psyche people. Accordingly, when on one side of the “swing” happened an earthquake, on the other hand, for example, an exacerbated criminogenic situation. April 20 in Norway almost in the same place happened another short-term earthquake, and there were glitches in the Baltic virtually all mobile operators. The fact is that energy passing along the lines of tectonic faults creates interference in all ranges of electromagnetic waves, – the researcher notes. Clouds will talk about the disaster. On meeting with us, Yuri Lear brought a globe, all streaked with lines – a grid that is built according to the “crystalline principle” developed back in the 1980s Soviet scientists. Several lines pass through Latvia, more precisely – through the Riga district and the capital of Riga. In the direction of one line Riga is connected with Great Britain, and on the other – with Sicily. Land – it is a geocrystal with many edges and surfaces. By the edges of the crystal, as through channels, pump the energy of the planet, information about the vibration of the earth’s crust also passes. This information “fixed” in the clouds. During earthquakes, cloud shape clearly repeats the fault line in the earth’s crust – as if imprinted in the sky. Clouds are strictly related to what happens in the earth’s crust. After all, what is the atmosphere like? This is a collection of gases. A the pulses emanating from the earth’s crust work like a piston: the surface layer of the atmosphere above the site of the shock is shifted, as if is compressed. Impulse of force, spreading upwards, condenses the gases that make up the atmosphere. Here you have the “squeezed out” clouds in a certain rhythm. Why, suddenly, “special clouds” appear above Latvia, if an earthquake happens, for example, in the UK, and volcanic eruption – in Sicily? The Baltic states are on one power line with Great Britain, and on the other with Sicily. Wave earthquakes from these two areas can reach Latvia, where three long transcontinental faults converge, dividing a significant portion of the planet’s surface is in huge blocks. Go the wave will be along the edges of the geocrystal, which are rigidly connected with electromagnetic grid-frame of the Earth. And all this is already connected with processes occurring in the core of our planet. And it correlated with the vibrations of the core of the sun, which recently behaves completely unpredictably! But the psyche of people is exactly the same It also affects the electromagnetic frame of the Earth. No mystery! Man is a carrier of electromagnetic field and static charge. This fact has long been scientifically confirmed. In the end, all that takes place in the Earth, it hits the psyche of a person – the carrier and generator of electromagnetic fields, as well as our negative energy affects all processes in the heart of a living planet, says Yuri Lear. Source: “Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown” Number 20
United Kingdom Earthquake Stones Pyramid Island Russia Sun Stonehenge