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In the first part of this opus, we only raised the issue the prematureness of certain inventions. Let’s talk now more about this.
Forewarned is forearmed
As the inventors and innovators themselves say, they are often face clear resistance to their discoveries. Moreover, in this case one cannot suspect the powers that be, who unequivocally interested in the fact that this or that discovery does not appeared in the world. There is something else.
For example, Evgeny Krylov from the city of Perm is sure that they can work only “higher forces”. They first gently warn scientist (the forms of such a warning can be very different, in depending on the circumstances, the invention itself and person), then they begin to interfere in every possible way, put sticks in the wheels, because of which the inventor is experiencing increasing difficulties in business translate your brilliant idea into life. For example, muscovite E. Papushin says that his unique installation was first it is unclear by whom and how it is broken, then it is just as mystically stolen. A since this did not stop the inventor, he was simply deprived means to continue the work, as, however, and normal existence, after which he finally gave up and … stopped. AND as soon as he stopped, life immediately got better …
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Scientists in this case are fanatical and absolutely “blind” because too passionate about their brilliant ideas. And because they simply do not notice such warnings “from above” until, as they say, thunder will strike. So, V. Mikhailova from Novgorod was stopped only by a sudden, and the very mysterious death of his mother, after which he realized that “crawls in the wrong place.” As a rule, if the inventor does not understand such serious “clues”, he gets into an accident, accident and so on, becoming disabled or even dying.
Premature geniuses just cleaned
Inventors too ahead of their time are often just “cleaned up.” And although from the outside it sometimes looks like a clear crime, in fact, the same work of “higher forces” is being carried out. Remember what Judge Wargrave said in the Ten Negro “: God wants to punish us mortals, ours hands.
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We all heard (read) that the ingenious inventor Nicola Tesla managed to create free energy and learned to transfer it without wires. However, few people know that already in 1914 this experience repeated the Russian scientist Filippov, who was sure that his the discovery will stop all the wars on Earth, because they arise, in fact, always due to the redistribution of energy resources (valuable minerals). Literally shortly after this discovery a humanist scientist was found murdered in his personal account. Neither doctors nor the gendarmes failed to determine who and how did this unique kill …
And here is another interesting case. Someone Andres who emigrated to USA from Portugal in 1917, soon offered the world a unique fuel for cars: it was obtained from water, which is enough was to add a few drops of fluid invented by the Portuguese. A specially created scientific commission on this occasion has confirmed the genius of this invention (on the unusual fuel of Andres the rally “Washington – New York – Washington” was successfully completed), and the fuel itself was recognized as much better than high-quality gasoline or alcohol. Andersen’s invention was soon bought by one of $ 2 million US oil tycoons (fantastic for those times the amount). However happy newfound millionaire after it just disappeared. And humanity immediately tried to forget about fantastic source of energy. Tell me, where is it now? Someone about heard him? ..
A photo from open sources
By the way, there are hundreds of such examples in the world. Or maybe tens of thousands, hundreds are among those known who have received a wide public resonance. At first glance it might seem that in all of these, mostly criminal cases this (illuminati), in every way interfering with ingenious inventions to break into our world. For example, you can recall hydrolysis installation of thermal emission of the ingenious inventor I. Filimonenko, R. Clem’s unique fuel-free engine, quartz source electricity of the Russian scientist V. Sobolev and much more. All without exaggeration, these great discoveries were bought up or even destroyed, and the authors themselves remained with a nose. It’s at its best case, in the worst – most often died, and certainly with strange circumstances.
However, do not forget that in this world there is nothing accidental, and given that the inventors themselves felt not only real, coming, say, from the authorities or secret services, but also some kind of mystical pressure preventing them from promoting their idea in life, you come to the logical conclusion: premature inventions just not allowed to life. Not allowed because they appeared ahead of schedule.
A photo from open sources
Probably, for the same reason, alternative sources of energy, truly effective, limitless and almost free (in difference from the energy of the sun, water, wind, and so on), no one has yet are needed, and ingenious inventions are in every way inhibited.
A few words about the artificial braking of brilliant inventions
As you, for example, such an interesting fact: in the sixties last century, Japan asked the government of the USSR to sell it all rejected applications that were gathering dust in the repositories of the patent office. The leadership of the Soviet Union denied this ascendant country sun, without any explanation. What do you think, why?..
However, Japan itself has not gone too far in this regard, if talk about the artificial inhibition of brilliant inventions. So, here in 1986 just a unique car was demonstrated, which spent only 44 milliliters per 100 kilometers gasoline (!), think about this figure, because on average this distance a modern car needs 8-15 liters of fuel on average depending on engine power. And where are these Japanese super-economical cars (or motors for them)? Their somebody in the Land of the Rising produced sun after that? Never…
A photo from open sources
If we talk about some mysterious resistance premature inventions then researchers diverge in their conclusions. Some are convinced of the divine the origin of such opposition, others sin on aliens, which are not for nothing that the ancient inhabitants of the Earth considered gods. In any case, if the powers that be are doing something steps to prevent brilliant inventions from entering the world, in particular, free and limitless energy sources then do it also “at the direction” of higher forces that stand above us all. Illuminati – the same pawns in this interesting game that we call life. AND you don’t need to idealize them too much, much less take offense at them. In offended, as they say in Russia, carry water (that’s where, it turns out, an inexhaustible source of free energy) …
Water Life Illuminati Nikola Tesla Sun USSR USA Japan