About seven hundred were euthanized in Australia koalas

About seven hundred koalas were euthanized in Australia.A photo from open sources By order of the authorities of the Australian Union I had to euthanize six hundred eighty-six koalas. About it said Victoria Lisa Neville – Minister of the Environment. According to her, it was a necessary measure, since in recent years an extremely sharp increase in the population of herbivorous marsupials was observed, and koalas simply did not have enough food.

The Minister reminded the indignant fellow citizens that with insufficient the number of natural enemies, individuals begin to multiply intensely, however, then nature more than corrects the situation, forcing animals die of hunger. According to Neville, this forced the measure prevented a much more serious tragedy.

Australian authorities have long claimed that, for example, in the area Cape Outey on one hectare of land is home to more than twenty koalas. Officials have been looking for ways to solve the problem for quite some time, not hiding from compatriots that marsupials may just have to destroy.

Six hundred and eighty-six koalas selected for euthanasia had significant health problems and were euthanized by veterinarians from humanity considerations under the strict supervision of human rights defenders and zoologists. To the zoos of other countries of all these unhealthy animals it was impossible to give.

Representatives of the Australian Koalah Foundation responded by saying that when the first British settlers set foot on the continent’s land, the koala population exceeded ten million here, and they all had enough food. Now in Australia lives no more than a hundred thousand representatives of the koalov family, and for some reason they eat it nothing, which is undoubtedly the fault of man.


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