Accident in Singapore due to ghost cars?

Accident caused by a ghost car in Singapore?Photo from open sources

In Singapore, there was a strange traffic an incident that would be hard to believe if it weren’t for him fixed the camera of the DVR.

The video below shows how at the intersection, a white passenger car tries to turn right, while the track on the left side of the car is completely empty, why the driver, only a little slowdown, begins the most simple maneuver on the road.

Suddenly … a mystical car appears, cuts the road to the turning machine, creates an emergency situation, as a result of which is not very scary, but still an accident.

Unfortunately, the video does not show how they further developed. events. It seems that a ghost car, flying out of “nowhere” and ram the front bumper of a unfolding passenger car, just fled from the scene of the accident. Perhaps he also unexpectedly disappeared, like appeared, however, all this no longer fell into sight autoregistrator.

But the shocking video itself soon scattered around The internet. And hundreds of thousands of World Wide Web users are now in perplexed scratches turnip: what is it?

The car that created the accident appeared clearly from hyperspace portal, most users agree. Look, she was not close to this intersection, she literally “emerged” from another dimension, flashed like a whirlwind and, it seems, right there, “gone home.”

Or maybe it’s a ghost machine, others ask users? It’s not particularly noticeable in the video what damage she caused white passenger car, most likely, no, and somehow she unnaturally “jumped”, dodging a collision, and in the next moment, indeed, as if dissolved in in the air.

Passenger car, pay attention – white, they say, skeptics, she could reflect and thereby block the camera DVR, hence the car flying to the left is not visible. True, it is not clear why she was not noticed by the driver of the unfolding car? Can, was drunk? ..

Be that as it may, such strange cars appearing on as if from the air, the phenomenon is not single and far from new – on the Internet you can find more than one such video. Other the thing is that each of them is a sensation anyway. After all, such cases literally flip the established view of our the physical world …

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