Acoustic attacks on diplomats received explanation, but no one felt better about it

A photo from open sources

It took the specialists almost three years to explain why were called in Cuba the so-called “acoustic attacks” on US and Canadian diplomats, from whom they suffered in 2016 – 2017 24 Americans, which caused a real diplomatic scandal, and relations between countries for this reason was spoiled.

Diplomats from their family complained of nausea, hearing loss, severe headaches and even disorientation in space. US authorities then accused Cuban leadership of conducting auditory attacks and recalled 60 percent of their employees from Liberty Island, expelled from America and Cuban diplomats.

And now the independent team for the study of sensory biology, which includes an American researcher Alexander Stubb and professor of one of the British universities Fernando Montealegre-Dzapat, found out the true cause of such a strange “attacks” on American and Canadian diplomats. According to scientists, the cause of acoustic attacks could be crickets, namely Indian Short-tailed Anurogryllus celerinictus.

By pulse repetition rate, duration, and even by energy spectrum, the chirping of these insects coincides with sound recordings of alleged auditory attacks. Point at that incident seems to be posed, however, as stated in one of known by a joke, the sediment in the shower remained. In this case tensions between the US and the Republic of Cuba no one so far I could not take it off. And it’s not known whether this will work, especially on amid improved political, economic, and even military relations between Cuba and Russia.

As some Internet users say, mystery acoustic attacks were much more acceptable and desirable, and not only for the United States, but even for Liberty Island. Аnow no one knows what to do …

We draw conclusions, one of these “philosophers” writes, Is it worth it to get to the truth when confronted with something unknown, abnormal or even mystical? In this case, it is It was, of course, necessary. In all the rest – in vain waste of time, effort and money, and in the end – disappointment and emptiness. This is how a person works: he certainly needs an alternative a vision of the world with miracles, tales and mysterious phenomena that NO ONE can explain …

US islands

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