A photo from open sources
Great interest among users of our site aroused urological massage addressed exclusively to men (for health and sexual strength), but basically the same thing, with only small corrections for the female body, you can do the beautiful half of humanity. Moreover, gynecological auto massage also eliminates many diseases, even varicose veins expansion of veins, but most importantly – revives youth and beauty, which sometimes more important for a woman than for men their sexual super features.
So, what is gynecological auto massage, which we recommend do all women (except pregnant women with cancer genitourinary system and so on)? In general, this is the easiest (as it is done independently) and the most effective method prevention, and in case of neglect, then treatment of the whole genitourinary system. But that’s not all, such a massage enhances or (in case of advanced age) revives reproductive functions, which positively affects the overall health of women, returning her former beauty, youth and even the ability to give birth to children almost no age limit. About menopause in this case you can just forget …
Unlike classical gynecological massage, which performed by specialists in a clinic or hospital, you do not need go nowhere and pay someone money for it (and, considerable). Moreover, when you yourself massage your urogenital system, including a powerful self-regulation system, positive the effect is much brighter, the effect is on the whole body. In addition, you get rid of the negative exposure to a massage therapist, which, for example, may be at this moment in a bad mood and therefore only harm you.
And finally, auto massage restores the body quite quickly women, normalizes weight, increases the size of small breasts, tightens saggy breasts and much, much more. Dear women it’s just fantastic, after a few weeks you won’t find out yourself, and after six months, forget about all your sores, rejuvenated twenty years, or flourish, if so young.
A photo from open sources
For this, just a little effort is needed. Lie down, close eyes, bend your legs slightly, relax and tune (this is the most the main thing, although there will be a positive effect without this, but … less), that we become healthy, strong, beautiful and young. In the region of the bladder we mentally create a feeling of warmth and pleasantness, and then by effort of will we begin the contraction of the muscles of the anus and perineum.
An auto massage is done to mild fatigue, but not more than five hundred reductions and no more than once a day (the first two weeks), then You can do it three to four times a week. And more: half the massage done on a feeling of warmth, the rest half – on a feeling of cold. It is not necessary to count the number of reductions, you can simply navigate in time how much does it take you, say, fifty reductions, and multiply this result by ten. It is not worth listening to the contractions, soon the massage will be occur on the machine, and you at this time can simply meditate, imagining how young you are and become all stronger, healthier and more beautiful. Or just fly in the clouds swing on the waves of your memory, dissolve in the universe, well, and etc.
In more detail about gynecological auto massage (including contraindications to it) can be read in the book of M.Norbekov “The road to youth and health”, well, be sure to look video.
Health Time